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Marriage is good for health

WELLINGTON - Marriage is good for you: this is the conclusion of an international study which showed that the marital relationship contributes to reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, said Tuesday New Zealand scientists.

  • The survey covered a sample of 34,500 people in fifteen countries, "said Kate Scott, a psychologist at the New Zealand University of Otago.

    "What our work showed is that the marital relationship provides many benefits to both mental health among men than women, and the pain
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LONDON - Chinese He Pingping, the shortest man in the world who measured less than 75 cm, died in Rome at the age of 21, said Monday the Guinness World Records, based in London, who had authenticated his record.

  • The Chinese took part in a TV show when he was seized with chest pains and had to be taken to hospital where he died last weekend, said the British publisher of the book of records.
    He Pingping was suffering from a bone disease which had significantly reduced growth. He measures only 74.
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Yennayer 2960

Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria)- "Tabburt u seggas" (door Amazigh New Year) or "Amenzu n'Yennayer" (the first of the month), opens January 12 of each year.

  • This year, this day inaugurated the Amazigh calendar year 2960 whose point of departure dates from the year 950 BC. This calendar is based on the change of seasons and different growing cycles that determine the moments of the agricultural work, punctuated by the positioning of the stars, like the moon and sun. From a historical perspective, Yennayer bac
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“Irish immigrants became good Americans without sacrificing their religious and cultural heritage”.

When winter days are ending and spring is arriving you might walk down any given street in New York, Boston or Chicago, and see weird green colored things. For example, in Chicago you might find the river dyed green and people wearing green colored clothing. you might see for example in Chicago city, The Chicago river dyed green , also many people wear something green, the traditional color in Irel

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Norooz Customs

In harmony with the rebirth of nature, the Iranian New Year Celebration, or NOROOZ, always begins on the first day of spring.
Norooz ceremonies are symbolic representations of two ancient concepts -

the End and the Rebirth; or Good and Evil.

More info

A few weeks before the New Year, Iranians
and rearrange their homes.
They make new clothes,

bake pastries and germinate seeds as sign of renewal.

Some of the activities during Norooz are:
-family reunion,
-giving presents,
-visiting neig

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Summer is just around the corner

Summer is my favorite weather before because the sun is shining great, flowers bloom incessantly, beach resorts are booming and a lot of people spend their days swimming or visiting malls.

But things turn differently because of the El Niño phenomenon. Constant humidity affects a lot of people. Heat stroke is rising and farms are drought affecting the farmer's living. In this case prices of commodities go up, it's like a domino effect.

Some parts of my country are under state of calamity. Governmen
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Two years ago, I’ve read Stephenie Meyer’s book Twilight Saga and love every minutes reading it. The books could makes you cry, laugh, sad, twisted, angry, hope, happiness etc.. All mixed feeling that you had when read these books.

When I heard they will create a movie from the books, I am so excited and wondering who will be a perfect role to play each character in the book. Who will be act as Edward, Bella, Jacob etc

I am eagerly waited to see Twilight Saga Movie but it turn out disappointed. So

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I think that there is no such tradition of celebrating the birthday (for the grown-ups except the children) in any countries, but it probably depends on the individual family & friend birthday treatment and it may be all different from the each families & friends. I noticed that the parents generally celebrate their children with their childrens friends who the children choose & individually send the invitation cards (so that they will know how many children attend, for the preparation), in UK

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A Face of Friend.

I see faces,
they come and go.
I hear sentences, words and letters,
they are without sense and contents.
I see pictures,
they disintegrate to dust.
I recognize hands, many hands,
but I can’t catch them.
I feel coldness,
and find no warmth.
I experience grief, sorrow and pain,
and, nevertheless, can give no consolation.
I look into a deep abyss,
however, the abyss looks into me.
But, I see a bright light in the dark tunnel,
Faces, sentences, pictures, hands, warmth and consolation around it;
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"DA VINCI CODE" is a book full of mystery ,an ideal story for those who love the great adventures of history ,enigma,codes ,religion achives ...

[ Robert Langdon ,an eminent expert of symbols in "Harvard" is called in the night from" Louvre"after the murder of "Jacque Saunière" a gruesome spectacle around the corpse,a series of pictograms and a coded message.

Langdon and Sophie Neveu-clever cryptographer-police member,try to solve this enigma.

the first signes were around the famous painting of "Le

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My Trip in Jiuzhaigou

Hello, Everyone

this is my first time posted on the blog, and i am trying to stick to it to improve my english.

on March 5th, our company orgnized to trip in Jiuzhaigou China, you can't imagine the sight if you've never been there.

it took us 4days, fortunately, we saw snowing...

all friends, please share parts of my picture in this trip.

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With a great pleasure I am attempting to write about one of the most mervellous books I've ever read.

A love story and what a love story it is! It engenders paradoxes; Love VS Pride.

This story is taken from the great Novel written by one of the most popular English writers Jean Austen.

In my opinion, it is not only a typical story of the English society of that time but also it reflects what is our hiden reality of societies nowadays...

The film has been shortened because of the lack of time, suppo

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under the rain

we shall meet in winter
at the rail baghdad
to strange sparrows
wanted shivering
under the train
migrated for the farthest
at the corner of the gulf
nestless we've lost our home
we've lost the addresses
of our friends
there remained alone
known to no one but the rain

تحت المطر
سنلتقي في الشتاء
عند المحطة في بغداد
نبتل تحت المطر
عصفوران غريبان
هاجرا من اقاصى الجنوب
عند زاوية الخليج
مالنا عش
وليس لنا مستقر
اضعنا كل عناوين الاصدقاء
وبقينا وحيدين
ما يعرفنا غير المطر

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Views: 106
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thank you

today i have a good chating with the friends from the english club .i like english club more and more.and i want to say thanks to mommy,she is my best friends ,i know she is a patience and enthusiasm woman although we can not see each english is poor,she help me to use the english club ,i am very happy .i found the english club is very interesting !and i will study hard!
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Plagiarism Pledge

pledgeRaise your right hand and repeat after me:

I __________ (your name) promise not to copy and paste text from the Internet to place on MyEC. I will only post my own writing. I understand that I do not learn any English when I copy and paste. I will follow the rules when quoting another writer by using the directions on EnglishClub's page. I also promise not to upload photos that I do not have permission to use.Instead, I will provide a link to photos that interest me online. I understand that the m
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