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sentences of savants

You can translate and put the sentences of your interested savants in here.
Don't forget the photo of them.

In mohatma Ghandy's opinion the 7 state that without other stats are meaningless, are as following:

1- Wealth, without try.
2- Enjoyment, without conscience.
3- Knowledge, without personality.
4- Business, without moral.
5- Science, without Humanity.
6- Worship, without sacrifice.
7- Policy, w

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Importance of Water

Water is our lifeline that bathes us and feeds us. In ancient cultures water represented the very essence of life. The Romans were the first to pipe water into their growing cities, especially with their aqueducts. They also realized that sewage water could cause damage totheir people, and needed to be removed from large areas of people.

Water has played a role not only in the history of countries, but in religion, mythology, and art. Water in many religions cleanses the soul t

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Here and there, the screams of multiple ..... Cry While spin your world ...Do not know where you are

And where you .. Where is ..

And are turning To see people behind you...Threw you to your ending...leaving you suffer alone....oh and screaming... Cry

When you feel forsaken And not loved....and feel as if you have been made possible In order to please them...Stands unable to explain their actions and their words... And become a prisoner of your thoughts And breaking waves of your grief ...Oh, and s

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How to improve oral English?

Having studied English for about 10 years, I still found that I cannot speak very well and had difficulties to communicate with native speakers. Whenever I try to speak with those natives, I find it's difficult for me to find the exact words I wanna express my meaning. I am used to thinking with my mother tougue and translate them into English. This will take me long time to transfer. So there's always a delay when I speak in English. Actually, I think the vocabulary I own now is not bad. But I

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Some thing toThink About

Have you ever thanked God ( which ever that maybe ) for all the misery.
Have you ever thanked God (which ever that maybe) for Ugliness.
Have you ever thanked God ( which every that maybe ) For the poverty.

Without Misery there can be no Happiness.
Without Ugliness there can be no beauty
Without poverty there can be no richness.

If you have not you had better start now.
Diogeneous law of relativty

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It becomes a concept among many poeplein society that it should be closed doors to women and to prevent them from leaving the house, but only in extreme cases. Or to go out to the cemetery after her death??!

Unfortunately, forgetting the owners of this principle that it is talking about such demands that these women are the mother, sister and cousin, and above all she is such a soft and human creature that is ull o feelings, afections , love and passions.And even more she has the ability to give

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Ider (real name: Hamid Sherritt) (born in in 1949) the most famous artist Algeria Amazigh music alive. Months, the owner of Audio Berber A Vava Inouva. "Dad Inouva."


Born Eder in Algeria in 1949 in the village of Berber name Ait Hussein and his real name, "Hamid Sherritt", he studied geology and was supposed to attend an institution of petroleum in the country, but fate led him in 1973 to resolve the scene of one of the singers at Radio Algeria to perform the song for children, and
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Views: 207
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time files

It nearly one year that i didn't come here to write something.I almost forget it.when i read magazin on the remaind me that i should learn somthing everyday.these day i don't know what to do .i just sit before the one website then close it .because i have no mood to see anything .

i saw the date which i wrote somthing here last time was april in past year.i graduated in 2009,it seems i didn't learn and get anything in 2009.just waste time .today I still sit here but one year

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Views: 138
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Be alert to give Service.....
What we do for others counts most in life...

Learn to understand first
and to be understood second.

Don't underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of
caring ,all of which have the potential
to turn a life around....

Life ends when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop Believing,
Love ends when you stop Caring,
Friendship ends when you stop Sharing....

Be Genuinely Interested in People.
If you try, yo
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Views: 216
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There are many traditions of marriage in Algeria as multiple colors of the rainbow in the sky one .. Votun such as Algeria, more than two million km vastness of the territory is bound to have several different angles with itself and good pictures and scenes of splendor and beauty of paintings, which are manufactured traditions and customs of the actual details of a very fine mosaic of excellence and privacy .. We need to get out of the crucible of these traditions ..Marriage arrangements in Alge
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Views: 316
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France famous composer and musical genius bar long and powerful way to link the music with stories and ideas of so-called music programs. A Berlioz primarily symphonies and operas, and other huge acts. Include symphonies, works for the opera and the work of other huge features mostly text or program. Months is Simvunyate Symphonie Fantastique (1830), and Harold in Italy (1834), and Romeo an
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The Origin of Kimchi

Korea has its own distinctive aroma. What is this fragrance of Korea, and where does it come from?

The fragrance of a country or region comes mainly from the local cuisine, which derives its unique savor from particular spices, fermented foods and liquids, or ways of cooking with all of these. The dishes that give Korea its special fragrance are primarily fermented foods, especially the various kinds of kimchi made with fermented vegetables and the various kinds of paste made

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Swine flu .. Fraud of the century?

Labs got billions. The virus disappeared, and the World Health Organization in the dock.
Labs got billions. The virus disappeared, and the World Health Organization in the dock
Swine flu .. Fraud of the century?

Disappeared after the swine flu virus that the latest panic unprecedented global, to float after a controversial global pharmaceutical laboratories in the heart of the hurricane, directing a number of experts accused of being behind the hype to sell the vaccine and inflate profits with th
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Hello, All!

I'm an undergrad student who just have a week to collect information on the educational use of blogging, especially for English learning. As a person who has learned English as a second language, I have a special interest in the area of study developing effective means to achieve better English learning. Blogging is a great way! Whether you're blogging regularly or just browsing others' blog, you are ALL welcome to participate in the following survey. You don't have to include any of

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Hey everyone. Today I'm not talking as a teacher. Today I'd like to talk like another student. Learning a language should be nice and enjoyable process. However, people want to learn it with out any effort, and that is kinda difficult.

When you're learnign a language you must dedicate to it at least fifteen minutes per day. and for me that is not that much. Before you go to sleep, read something in English, before having breakfast, learn a grammar rule. In your break at the school go a listen to

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Received Algerian international player, a glorious abundance, defender Glasgow Rangers Scottish
Best athlete Muslim in Scotland. Press reports indicated that Scottish, yesterday,
That one of the associations concerned with the affairs of Muslims in the Scottish capital Glasgow, Scotland,
Awarded several prizes for the militants of the Assembly and aides, as granted''Magic''Award
Muslim athlete during a ceremony held last weekend in Glasgow. A concert
Known because of the absence of the Algerian
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