Nice to see you on line Dreamy:) Thank you for liking my latest blog Importanc e of written English ....I was nosy reading Bob's comment to you :) I t would be wonderful to hear about yoru trip to US and how you felt there may be as blog when you hav ethe time :)
I thought you were based in Paris , if it is Palestine then too Maasha Allah
It is wonderful that you got to make the trip to America.
You couldn't have called me anyway because I am still living in Saudi Arabia. Some day I hope to visit Palestine and then I will contact you so we can meet and discuss your trip. :)
Oh brother where art thou? DM, I miss you and want to hear more about your trip to France when I was in Saudi Arabia and couldn't log in.
BTW, did you see the movie by the name, "Oh brother where art thou?"????
How are brother ? It has been a longtime :))
Eid Mubarak
May Allah swt chicest blessing both on you and Sandra
May you r'll have a wonderful week ahead
Dear Dreamy
I will most certainly go through your video , give me few days grace, to note down and send it to you for your blog
I wish you to
share your thoughts on this link
thanking you in advance
Just to say well delivered with good pronounciation and accent
Well done Dreamy :)
Nice to see you on line Dreamy:) Thank you for liking my latest blog Importanc e of written English ....I was nosy reading Bob's comment to you :) I t would be wonderful to hear about yoru trip to US and how you felt there may be as blog when you hav ethe time :)
I thought you were based in Paris , if it is Palestine then too Maasha Allah

thanks for accepting me
It is wonderful that you got to make the trip to America.
You couldn't have called me anyway because I am still living in Saudi Arabia. Some day I hope to visit Palestine and then I will contact you so we can meet and discuss your trip. :)