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Using Contractions Properly

Many students are confused on how to properly use contractions in speech.  This is one of the most common errors that I see in my students, so I will explain how this should be done and give some examples of pronunciation. 

But first, let us remember that a contraction is a short form of a phrase in English and is most commonly used in informal speech and writing.  The phrase is shortened (contracted) by removing one or more letters, inserting an apostrophe in their place and making the phrase in

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I didn't write this but absolutely love what this woman wrote. I just wish I knew who the original author was, so that the appropriate credit can goes to her.

It was shared in my Facebook wall, and I thought it depicted the absolute truth faced by women nowadays. To confine to what the media portrayed as an ideal woman. We, women, constantly need to uphold to certain image, which in reality ridiculous to achieve. I have to admit, sometimes I do longed for certain things when looking at those imag

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NOTE: EnglishClub.com is NOT associated with this contest. This contest is by members for members. ~ EC Admin

Hello again,

so let´s make a list of the candidates who will take part in the competition MS and MR. EC 2014.

Please, don´t hesitate to take part in it. It is just fun, nobody will cut your head, so take it all easy..

You can mention here in your comments the people who you would like to suggest and I will ask them to participate. So here we gooooo !!!!!!  


This is the list of the candidates

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Comments: 30

Here, There, This and That

Did you know that here and there are sometimes confusing to English learners? These words are selected based on distance from the person speaking. Did you ever get confused by here and there?

This, that, these and those are also confusing words which are based on distance and number, so I will quickly explain the differences between them.

If something is close it is here. If we can touch a book, we would say it is here.

If it is not so close it is there.  If a book is across the room we would say i

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MISS and MISTER of the EC

Hello all EC members,

I am coming here with one idea. Let me ask you if you would find interesting the competition called MISS and MISTER of the EC.

What it should be about?

  1. NO BEAUTY, NO AGE LIMITATIONS. Since it is  easy to misuse some pictures from the internet, let´s put the beauty aside, moreover as we all know - beauty is something temporary.


  1. The main point of this competition will be to find the most beautiful girl and boy with awesome CHARACTER. I am talking about the INNER BEAUTY.


  1. The appl
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Comments: 18

Is there any shortcut to increase our vocabulary? What do you do when you come across an unknown word? Look up for a dictionary? Okay, fine. Then what do you do when you don’t have a dictionary with you?  Sometimes you don’t get enough time to look up the meaning in a huge dictionary or internet. Would you like to guess the meaning? Yes, that’s a way to increase your vocabulary because in this way when you got to know the original meaning, those words can be memorized very easily. I don’t know w

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The mountains - My love

People usually ask: Which do you prefer? The sea or the mountains? As for me – definitely the mountains. I am not a fan of „frying“ my body on the beach because to me it is boring. I prefer something more active, for example hiking. Since early childhood I spent my holidays in the mountains with my parents and I would say it influenced me a lot. I tend to the nature, I just love to escape from the rush of the city.

The mountains can give you a lot but sometimes they might be even unpredictable. T

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Comments: 6

2346799519?profile=originalFINAL SCORE





2346808387?profile=originalYOUR SCORE


This is the final outcome of your study that you have done with the three lessons I gave you.  You did your best and showed that you can do it.  Nothing is impossible for those who are determined and willing to learn. Unfortunately, there are some of the learners who were not able to make it.  Let your score be your determining guide in your enduring quest to improve your English.... because if others can do, you can also do it!

Thank you dear LEARNERS!

See you with another jo

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I always try to get my friends to blog so they get practice writing in English.  Writing your blog should be as easy as writing to a friend. I will tell you how to do it. Now you have no reason to forget to blog.

Step 1.  On your home page, click on Blog Posts (on the left below your picture) This will open My Blog

Step 2.  Click on the  [+Add] button (at the upper right of the My Blog page)

Step 3.  The Add a Blog Post page will appear with a place for your Post Title and your blog Entry

When you h

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Writing challange : A six word story

I saw myself in my kid.
Category: true story

This is my story. To look at my kid and to see myself, this is something I can hardly describe by the words. To watch their smile which is yours is maybe the best gift u could have ever got. To look into their eyes and to see their love they give u is worth living. To watch them growing up and to realize they have similar character , these all are aspects of life that give us - parents energy and inspire us to live colorful and meaningful life.

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Views: 163
Comments: 7

Hello, this is my first time I participate in Writing Challenges. 

Wish luck to all participants. Here we go.

Story is true, sad, and cruel at the same time.

"Born 0. Died 20. Buried 80"

This is my own idea, about peoples' lives. About meaning, purpose and adding value of it. About finding yourself, your own idea of life. It doesn't say about material wealth, but all aspects, that made you fill comfort and brings happiness to your life. 

Many people spend their life meaningless, poor in grey colours.

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Views: 599
Comments: 12

I recently came across an interesting storytelling website called Six Word Stories. Do you think you could write a story in six words? This may sound like the easiest challenge I've given you, but, in truth, it may be the most difficult! 

Your Task

1. Review some examples of Six Word Stories for inspiration.

2. Add a new blog post. Use the title Writing Challenge: A Six Word Story 

3. Write your own six word story. Keep the following in mind:

  • Punctuation is allowed. Your story can be more than one se
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Views: 2049
Comments: 29


2346794933?profile=originalThis is the RESULT of your quiz based on Lesson 7 (Confusing Words).  Percentage is computed by the following formula:  

                      Raw Score/Total Number of Items x 100 = %

CONGRATULATIONS to ACHAN,BARBARE and I AM VIETNAMESE who made it to the top.  For those who were'nt able to make it, you still have your last chance to shine in the MAJOR EXAM.  Answer key is given to recheck your work.

2346794976?profile=originalANSWER KEY


Dear Learners, welcome to QUIZ 7.  If you think you are not ready to take the quiz, clic

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It is said that expressing your feelings is good even sometimes necessary, I think I am not a person like that at least with my relatives but now I will try to do it here, in fact this is my first blog I write (not only in Ec), maybe this help me to be honest with myself and take out the 'armor' I usually wear.So, I would like to dedicate this to my friends' daughter, Alicia. I want to thank you all the good moments my child had playing with you, the tasty cupcakes you used to make, the great bi
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