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At first I thought about that who could be the one whom I want to invite at dinner. I'm not miser person but I think if you invite someone at your home for dinner. You should cook something at home otherwise you can take him/her to a restaurant. 

There is no one who ever impressed me, that's another fact that I love watching Shakira's dance, but never ever thought to spend or share time with her.

I love spending time with people with whom I can feel comfortable and enjoy my time by sharing ideas a

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Writing Challenge: Dinner Guest

My 'Dinner guest" is a lady whom I got acquainted on internet.  I happened to travel to USA so I got the chance and invited her on dinner while I was in transit. 

So here is my DINNER GUEST 

Dé.jà vu

I was waiting for her in the hotel lobby, where I had to have a short stay as a transit passenger.  I did not give her the time, but I e-mailed only the name of the hotel in which the airline was going to provide me the lodging. I had nothing to do specifically there in the hotel, so I came down to the

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If I had to invite anyone over for a dinner party, I would invite a hero of our time , Nelson Mandela. Just a brief story about him, Mandela was a fighter instead of bowing down to an unjust system of government, he became a lifelong warrior in the battle to free South Africa. He started out as a leader of an underground political movement against the apertheid regime. Therefore, nothing better than inviting a leader for a dinner party .

Needless to say, a dinner party must be a gastronomic delig

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writting challeng: Guest Dinner

If I wanted to invite someone to my house I would ask Imam Mahdi to accept my request. Imam Mahdi is one the 14 people who know the wisdom of these two worlds.I would ask all of my friends and my family to participate in this meeting. I would serve Ghormeh Sabzi for launch (a kind of Iranian food made of vegetable and beef) and yoghurt soda as a drink.I would ask him about how many dimension this materialistic world has and if we can return to the past. I would also ask about where is the end of
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Writing challenge - Dinner guest

It didn't take me so much time to make a decission whom I would love to invite for the dinner. I decided to follow my inner voice, to listen to my heart. Actually, it isn't bad idea to invite some celebrity or character from  a book but since I have one wish, which would be able to make come true, let me dream and enjoy my fictive awesome dinner with my beloved granny.

Unfortunatelly, my granny isn't already here among us, she died four years ago and I miss her so much. I can say she is still in

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2346843971?profile=originalThis month, I'd like to challenge you to plan a dinner party with a special guest of your choice! 

Your Task

1. Decide who you would invite for dinner. This can be anyone. Your guest can be dead, alive, famous, or even fictional (i.e. a character from a book or movie).

2. Decide what you would serve for dinner. 

3. Decide who else would be at the table. Would it be a dinner for two, or would you include friends or family members?

4. Write a paragraph explaining why you chose this dinner guest. What w

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"Colorful Expressions"

"Colorful Expressions"

It’s now black and white that she never loved me. She is gone forever leaving me in blue. I have been in black mood all the time thinking about her. Last time I have had an argument with her, but I was in grey area about what she was up to.

I was looking at her red face.  I would never be a green eyed monster, if she has fallen in love with somebody else.   There would be no one more tickled pink than me if she really likes someone else.  I will pass with flying colors becau

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Hi all,

I'm very new to EC and the main reason I decided to join this community is to improve my English, of course.

I'm usually very shy and I'm an introvert at heart. Thus, starting a blog and public my writing is not easy for me. I'd like to thank Mr. Bob for giving me the courage to write, even though my writing is not perfect. With  your help in this community, I'm sure that I can improve my writing in no time. I will definitely return the favour if you ever need someone to proof read your

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Writing Prompt: House Vs. Home

Writing Prompt ~ House Vs. Home

Dear Jono,

I want to tell you that I just rented a medium house in the surrounds of Paris, capital of France. At first, it seems to be a comfortable house to live, because the street is quiet and green and has few high buildings, the neighbourhood seems likeable and the house is just painted and has  brand new pieces of furniture. Moreover, I brought my little cat Paavo to liven my home up when I feel it is too silent over here. You know, I like to arrange cheerful

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Cooking vs Writing

    There are so many activities, we try to engage ourselves in, to spend our leisure time. One of the greatest activities, I have explored, is writing,which not only keeps our mind healthy, but also brings about educational growth, which plays a vital role in career building process.

    Whereas, some people prefer cooking to any other activities, to keep themselves busy in their free time. I had no idea that cooking is also a very creative job and great art unless I, myself, experienced it. B

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This is the third part of my blog series "The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters". This blog is dedicated to a very polished Pole gentleman, Rysperski. "Rys, I know sometimes I breathed too much of those pit fumes, but it made me more appreciative of these critters. LOL"

The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters - Part I

The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters - Part II

1. Slimey snail

I don't like snail. It destroys my flowers, and my withering garden. But I guess, every creature have their own u

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Writing Prompt: Future Perfect

Writing Prompt ~ Future Perfect

By 4 PM tomorrow, I will have left for London. I won't be more in the South hemisphere of the Earth because the plane will probably have crossed the Equator. So, arriving there at 3 AM, I will count on the kindness of my friend Jack to pick me up at the airport entrance so late. He will have picked me up in his new and high-tech car: a Land Rover model 2014. Then, we'll have eaten something in downtown London, maybe a tasty pizza or hot-dog. After that, I will have

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Reflections on Pronunciation.

Hello Guys. 

I know that I have been away from my posting blogs quite a lot. The reason why is that I have been studying, teaching Spanish and running a English conversation club at my work place. 

Today, I just want drop down some lines and reflect on how to improve our pronunciation. 

First of all, we have to be aware that this will take time and practice. At the beginning, many people are afraid to speak and make errors. At this stage my suggestion is that you have to speak, it doesn't matter if

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2346833668?profile=originalThis month I challenged our bloggers to write about their fathers in honour of Father's Day (June 15, 2014). I was pleasantly surprised that so many members decided to participate. Our members have shown me that dads are doing an amazing job around the world. This writing collection is dedicated to the dads of all MyEC members as well as the MyEC members who are dads themselves. Happy Father's Day! 

Please follow the links to read these incredible tributes, poems, and stories. Don't forget to lea

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The second part of The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters is dedicated to my friend Grape Hyacinths who said that my previous blog reminds her of her childhood.

As I said in my previous blog (The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters - Part I), the backyard critters/creatures are truly amazing. They taught me to appreciate little things. These critters really amazed me, and I hope you too will find them wonderful. 

1. I am a Transformer

When I saw this critter, immediately it reminds me of a Trans

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Since I was a Kid the Fatherhood has not changed much, but I can see some little differences: My father has spent more time in the pub, me (as I am father nowtime), I am spending evenings with study and playing games on my HC (home computer) instead of play with my third-years old daughter.

But now, when the spring time finishing and the garden period again starting, Me, My Father and little daughter, we want spend more time together. It is helpfully for improving the family connection, but someb

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Writing Challenge: Fathers.

This is my entry in Tara's writing challenge. I am glad to participate after so long time ^_^

My Father: The Ever-caring <3

At first I wanted to write about why I love my father, and then I decided I really can't write enough and I felt like no matter how good I am with words -which I am not- i cant convey how I feel fairly so I decided to share a tiny bit with you.

Even before my dear mother pass passed away I was my daddy's girl. He spoiled me as a kid and was always lenient in scolding me.

His c

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Writing Challenge: Fathers

Father (noun) /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ - your male parent. People often call their father Dad or, especially if they are young children, Daddy. In the past, people often called their father Father or Papa

My Father The Faithful Husband

In response to this month's writing challenge, let me share to you a few things about my father.

He's a senior citizen who loves to watch NBA games - a fanatic of LA Lakers. He also likes to watch current affairs programs and read newspapers. He taught me the importance of r

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Writing challenge : My Father

It’s been five years I live without you.

I thought time would cure everything away, but with time I realize that I miss you more and more. Today I was watching a program on TV about a factory and I recalled the years when you  used to work in a factory like that one.

You had a great patience, I have always admired and will keep admiring you for all your talents. I am not going to talk here about your profession. We both know that you were in your best in it.  The produ

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This blog is dedicated to my friend, I Am Vietnamese who loves all critters and creatures, especially caterpillars.

After a few months of hectic schedule, finally I managed to get a long week break. I decided to go back to my hometown and visit my Mom and my brother. It was about 4-hours drive, though I hate driving, I enjoyed it this time. Maybe because the drive was smooth, and it's been a while since I go back. 

It's really relaxing to be able to enjoy the village, after all the hustle and bust

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