This is the third part of my blog series "The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters". This blog is dedicated to a very polished Pole gentleman, Rysperski. "Rys, I know sometimes I breathed too much of those pit fumes, but it made me more appreciative of these critters. LOL"
The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters - Part I
The Wonderful World Of Backyard Critters - Part II
1. Slimey snail
I don't like snail. It destroys my flowers, and my withering garden. But I guess, every creature have their own use in this world, I just don't know what it is for this snail. Aha! I know! I just had a brilliant idea. I can put the blame on these snails if I failed to grow any flowers or vegetables. So, now I know their uses. LOL. Oh! And another thing is, this snail is not as slow as the snail/slug character in the Monsters University.
And to the fun part of this blog, I want to share with you two backyard creatures which we may never thought them as such.
2. Perching and Chirping Chicks
I had to admit, my brother purposely put these two chicks on the tree branch. These chicks are orphan, and my brother more or less hand-reared them. When neither one of them are together, they can't stop chirping and calling to each other.
3. The rascal kitten
As far as I can remember, my house was always full of cats, though I am allergic to them. Some of them were feral cats and some of them, like these kittens are the second generation of a feral Tabby cat. And they just had a four younger siblings.
LOL. Gotcha! I know those chicks and kittens are not really backyard creatures, but, they are always playing and chasing each other at the backyard.
I guess if we look hard enough, our own backyard can show us the wonder of mother nature. I recommend you to try it once in a while. I will leave you with these wonderful photos taken by my brother.
How cute that bug in your photo! Yeah.. there are many critters in the kitchen, mostly ants, and I have to admit, a stray cockroach or two. Ewwww!
I'm glad my blogs kindled your interest in insects. LOL. Maybe one of these days, you will post a blog post about insects in your own backyard.
Kitchen is the most tempting place for insects. Right, because we find there a lot of various goodies. But! We can also find there many little, hungry, mischievous bugs. They want to taste our delicious foods just like we do. :) Hungry Bugs kitchen Invasion is the best free tapping game for everyone. Really Informative blogs series about Backyard critters going on. And Yes You have kindled in me a sense of knowledge of insects. LOL
WOW Mr. Bob, the first photo looked like it was wearing a Batman's mask. LOL.
The second one was like the Transformer beetle but with a Ferrari like logo. I love both. Thanks for sharing.
I see kittens sometimes playing with each other like they are attacking another animal. i hope the chicks watch them carefully.
These reminded me of some you had in your earlier blog.
Well Mr Bob, the cats are trained (as trained as a cat can be) not to play with the chicks, but sometimes I do catch them trying to sneak on them. LOL. I think they just want to play with the chicks.
Hi Expector Smith. It's my pleasure to share this series, though I don't know most of the names of the critters too. So, I just made them up based on my imagination. LOL
Uh uh Viettt .. I hope that sleeping dog will not chase those cute kitten when she woke up. Otherwise, I am sure those rascal will adopt her as their backyard friend. LOL
Thanks for sharing - it's hard for me to remember all the names of the animals.
Noassss, Yes, I was sweating to snap that cricket. You see, I succeeded to take a photo of a sleeping dog. I suppose that she is one of type of insect in your backyard critters now. LOL. Let her join and make friend with your cats.