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noaslpls tweeted
What's going on with MyEC blog section? No more Admin monitoring blog posts?
Nov 12
  • noaslpls I've been away for a long long time. And caught by surprise on how the blog section is really full of advertisement guised as an article.
    Nov 15
noaslpls tweeted
Hi guys. Gosh!! It's been centuries since I came to this site. Guess not many old members still here.
Oct 4
  • noaslpls Hi Areality. It's been a while
    Nov 7
  • noaslpls Hi :)
    Oct 18
  • noaslpls Thank you. Yeah! Those were the days when MyEC is filled with so many friends.
    Oct 18
  • noaslpls Thank you. Though I won't be able to be as active as I used to be. 
    Oct 18
  • noaslpls well ... you're one long live Honey Bee then. :D
    Oct 18

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  • Hi their ,

                 Thanks for commenting on my work but I am sorry for my errors

    but can you check again my blogs if their is some errors again?

  •      Thanks a lot for your words on my blog, my dearest friend. God bless you and your family as well.

  • 2390574288?profile=original

  • eerrrr  Hola (^_^)/

  • OMG!! thanks so much my friend. 2390537120?profile=original

  • Happy Friday Noas,

    I noticed something strange about you?  Are you planning to go to North America or something (^_^)?

  • thank you for your comment
    that made me more confident
    I will take your advices .
    once again thank a lot .


  • Noa dear, thanks a lot for such detailed comment. Now I clearly know the difference between the "TWO WONTS(WON'T, WONT)" :D 


  • Hey deary, 

    Hope you are doing well. I got a question, hoping to get the answer of it :D 

    Noa I read your comment on Luci's blog post  and now I want to know the difference between "WON'T" and "WONT" 

    I'm surprised to know that we have "TWO WONTS" in English I want to get familiar with "WONT"

    :) thanks

  • thank you so much noaspls
This reply was deleted.

About Me




5 and a quarter Centuries Years Old and Counting From Kuala Lumpur


Learner of English

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noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"I've been away for a long long time. And caught by surprise on how the blog section is really full…"
Nov 15
noaslpls posted a blog post
It’s been a while since I write a blog and post in here. In fact it’s been centuries since I’ve…
Nov 7
noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"Hi Areality. It's been a while"
Nov 7
noaslpls updated their profile
Nov 5
noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"Hi :)"
Oct 18
noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"Thank you. Yeah! Those were the days when MyEC is filled with so many friends."
Oct 18
noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"Thank you. Though I won't be able to be as active as I used to be. "
Oct 18
noaslpls commented on noaslpls’s tweet
"well ... you're one long live Honey Bee then. :D"
Oct 18