I wish to see you around. Gimana kabar Jakarta? Surabaya aman terkendali. :D
I learn English here. I spend some times to write blogs and discussion and talk with people here. You will know that it will improve your English a lot. Good luck for your English. I'll help as I can. :)
Saya senang berkenalan dengan anda, Masgareng. Silakhan, melihat blog saya Pernikahan dan koment. I am very happy to be one of your friends. If it's possible, visit my page and see my blog, The Wedding and tell us about your point of view. Thanks!
Tidak ada teman ku. Saya tunggu menabahkah kamu tiga hari. I will show you how to add me, Click on my photo. Then you will find to your upper left side, add as friend. Click on that and that's all. Thank you!
You can visit this link ... http://www.myenglishclub.com/photo and upload the photo by clicking 'add', then give the tittle 'Photo Challenge: Look up'.
Nice to see you around.
All Photos | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
Halo Masgareng, I went to your blog page and tried to comment on the cloudy sky, I entered my email address, but the computer told me your id is not found. Can you tell me how to do it? Thanks!
Halo Masgareng, saya harap akan menjadi teman kamu, mungkin? Silakhan, kapanpun kamu bebas, melihat blog saya, lonceng dering. I hope to be one of your friends, may I?
My pleasure, Masgareng.
I wish to see you around. Gimana kabar Jakarta? Surabaya aman terkendali. :D
I learn English here. I spend some times to write blogs and discussion and talk with people here. You will know that it will improve your English a lot. Good luck for your English. I'll help as I can. :)
Saya senang berkenalan dengan anda, Masgareng. Silakhan, melihat blog saya Pernikahan dan koment. I am very happy to be one of your friends. If it's possible, visit my page and see my blog, The Wedding and tell us about your point of view. Thanks!
Tidak ada teman ku. Saya tunggu menabahkah kamu tiga hari. I will show you how to add me, Click on my photo. Then you will find to your upper left side, add as friend. Click on that and that's all. Thank you!
Hi Masgareng,
You can visit this link ... http://www.myenglishclub.com/photo and upload the photo by clicking 'add', then give the tittle 'Photo Challenge: Look up'.
Nice to see you around.
Halo Masgareng, I went to your blog page and tried to comment on the cloudy sky, I entered my email address, but the computer told me your id is not found. Can you tell me how to do it? Thanks!
Halo Masgareng, saya harap akan menjadi teman kamu, mungkin? Silakhan, kapanpun kamu bebas, melihat blog saya, lonceng dering. I hope to be one of your friends, may I?
Happy New Year to you and your beloved ones!
Wishing you good health joy and whatever you wish for!
May ALLAH make all your wishes and dreams come true this year!
Best wishes from me!