Helloooo Sami :)
I remember you :P of course ... I've been so busy lately and yep long time since I was here :)
Anyway nice to say Hi to my friends ;)
Tell me what about you?
Hello Sami :
Nice to see you around here again ... You know Im a traveler soul ... Life is going well last friday I went to a concert in my city of my favourite singer Bunbury he is amazing... What have you done latelly?... Kisses honey ;)
I have been some busy but I never forget my friends.. ok?... you can leave me messages when you want I will answer your messages as soon as I have a little free time...
Hi dear;)
How are you?...Im fine thanks to God =)
I have been some busy... Starting to run again I hope to achive at least 5km ;)
Take care thanks for your effort to speak in spanish honey :)
Cuidate mucho, besos.
Adiós ;)
Hello Sam
Congratulations for being the star of the month :)
Hello Sami!
Congratulations on being a star member!
Have a great time ahead!
Hello Sam

For being featured as this months Star
I remember you :P of course ... I've been so busy lately and yep long time since I was here :)
Anyway nice to say Hi to my friends ;)
Tell me what about you?
Just to wish you good luck and all the best in their busy daily lives.
Have a nice day!
Nice to see you around here again ... You know Im a traveler soul ... Life is going well last friday I went to a concert in my city of my favourite singer Bunbury he is amazing... What have you done latelly?... Kisses honey ;)
Hi... friend ...
I have been some busy but I never forget my friends.. ok?... you can leave me messages when you want I will answer your messages as soon as I have a little free time...
Nice to get news yours...
Hugs and kisses...
How are you?...Im fine thanks to God =)
I have been some busy... Starting to run again I hope to achive at least 5km ;)
Take care thanks for your effort to speak in spanish honey :)
Cuidate mucho, besos.
Adiós ;)
Dear Sami,
Thank you very much for your friendship invitation.
You are welcomed
I hope that we shall have a good chance of learning from each other.