Hey guys
Among and after seeing this photo :
1 : You are confused
2 : You think that your English is excellent
3 : you would say , WOW amazing
4 : you would like to make an another text like that
5 : This sentence will be in your mind like a bell ( How it can be possible )
Samiiiiiiiii ,just thanks ,this is not suitable place for saying more ;P
i wish u more than the same :)
Dear Hani ,
I will consider your friendship with me as a gift from God , Happy to be your friend GHANDE ASAL :)
My character needs to prove itself instead of talking . So please take a look at what i do to find out it :)
I am sure that you have excellent parents , Because a girl like you with such nature must has a good parents :) God bless them .
I just wish happiness for you Hani
take care
Sami very dear friend , thanksssss :D:D i will keep being in perfect with such a wonderful friends i have ^_^ , please write down about your own super characteristic for me , you dont know how much im waiting to know that :)
i wasnt lost , frozen of gone ,i was here and still im , in my own perfect world :)) Miss U . Goodnesses with you . Viva Sami jan .
@ Mariana :
Dear Mary
You should make an English one and post it in EC .
I will be glad to see that , because it makes me confident :)
@ Hani Jan :
Dear Hani It is the photographer art that shows you in perfect mood :)
Hani i will make my own character , Sherlock Holmes is not enough for me !!!
Yup Sami =))))) look how nice i look in my old ages ? :p im stayed in very perfect look and mood ,
unlatching the locks is not actually my only profession Sami jan :) , only in free times and in leisure times , come join here Smai , you can become a resemblance of Sherlock Holmes :)))
Miss you Man ,let me know what is up :)
@ Dear Anu
Your welcome ;)
Yeeep It's fantastic!...I did one before & I read it without any prob! :D
thnx Sami, for this nice blog :)
I think wow is not enough for this
Human mind really has phenomenal power
@ Hani
Hani jan , How clever you are !
OMIDVAR KARDANE JAVANAN was the secret level of this writing that i didn't say that because i wanted to keep it hidden , But like before you open every lock , So i am going to call you Mrs Marple and i also like to reveal one of your fantastic photo