She Has To Sleep on Your Chest !

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  • I sent you a message with my Facebook account... Take it easy not problem see you soon :)
  • I  didn't understand this post on my wall !!! I never been notified by mail for this post !!! Sorry , Sorry , Sorry  ....

    And i can prof that i was thinking about you because as soon as i found out about your comment in this video i sent reply ... 

    I will never forget my VERY GOOD  friend in EC Especially you ...

    Keep in touch dear

    P.S. Do you have a Facebook account ? If yes please write it here



  • Mmmmm .... it's the opposite I have leave you messages in your wall :D

    And I can prove it....  ok ?

    3078138916?profile=originalThat´s has been in your wall for a long time .... ;)

    Hugs friend...


  • you must be joking me :D I posted on yr wall but u didn't respond anything !! :D I though that you don't like to have a such contact :D
  • I have Been here all this time Dear ... You have not pay attention to me ... lol ;)
  • WoW !!! Look who is here !!! Que tall ?
    I miss you . where have you been dissapear for such a long ?
  • hahahaha ... funny... smart little woman lol ;)
  • Rozhan : 

    You know her dad has to stay with her cause as u see the baby is so clever and the position of baby makes dad to stay :)))))

  • Dear Hani : 

    You know different people have different ideas , I don't know why yr uncle do sth like that but i say that kids should be apart of parents for sleeping and they must to learn sth about that . 

    Sometimes conditions change and it is parents who cannot be apart of their child like yr uncle ,  I think it depends to situations between husband and wife and the way for looking the child of them . I really like the position of that boy , ( beneath the parents feet ) It must be so so funny and full of feeling .


    Dear Hani for the family who they came from Jupiter to the Earth it is not unusual and we are waiting for hearing another mystery of ye family :)))  


    Hani u know why i responded such late ??? 

    Because i had to think , study , read , discuss , and observe so much to write an appropriated word for replying to yr comment here :)))))))))))))


    Please write a simple reply to have a respond sooner than now :)))) JOKING


    Take Care My Dear Friend



    i would learn how u raise your kid to learn from u cus im not sure my baby will be born an angel :((

    but i will love your baby ^__^ sweet of you . you may not like to keep him/her in yr private room and bed but maybe u will take your bed to his private bed :p 

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