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New York, NY


July 25

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Kevin replied to Ario's discussion How much should we learn about Grammar?
"Hi Ario,
How much a person should learn and/or command about Grammar depends on the educational…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Graham Burman's discussion Intransitive verbs
"Hi Graham,
Action verbs that cannot be followed by a direct object are intransitive. Verbs such as…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to jfdeng's discussion Want some partners to learn English
"Hi Ryan. May I assume you would like to do this to really improve your English, or is it to meet…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Sam's discussion Looking for a partner to learn English with me in Skype
"Hi Sam. I'm also pretty new here, and this seems a great place to boost your English proficiency.…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Aram's discussion Online course
"Hi Aram. I don't know if it is 'the best online course'. but my students benefit from the online…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Kisran Namkatu's discussion Learning Lingustics
"Hi Kisran,
Very often, if students perceive their lessons as "boring", it's not the subject matter,…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Elen's discussion What's the difference between isn't and ain't ?
""You ain't seen nothing yet""you ain't heard me out"These are just two examples in relation to "to…"
May 18, 2019
Kevin replied to Salem's discussion What does this sentence mean?
"Biblical connotation seems pretty unlikely to me (what do we know of biblical Adam's…"
May 18, 2019