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April 9

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Aram commented on Aram's blog post TESOL TOPICS
"My goal is clear. Yes, I teach university students for English department. I think I should discuss…"
May 18, 2019
Aram commented on Aram's blog post TESOL TOPICS
"Dear, Rosemary
Nice words from you, I really appreciate your explanation and help . 
May 18, 2019
Aram commented on Aram's blog post TESOL TOPICS
"TESOL is the way of teaching learners . I mean how to use model teaching and motivation for…"
May 18, 2019
Aram replied to Aram's discussion Topic
"Hey Mary,
 I think you are so funny. This is the platform. Everyone should be free.It's not your…"
May 18, 2019
Aram replied to Aram's discussion Online course
"A big thanks, Kevin 
I have got benefited from your student's website. regards ! "
May 18, 2019
Aram commented on Aram's blog post Social picture in The God of Small Things
"Dear, Mohamad , I agree with you. we all are here should know about everything and even…"
May 18, 2019
Aram replied to Aram's discussion Grammar
"The first one is correct while there is having undergraduates, masters degree, postgraduates. but…"
May 10, 2019
Aram replied to Aram's discussion Grammar
"The first one is correct while there is having undergraduates, masters degree, postgraduates. but…"
May 10, 2019