Thank you for agreeing to be part of our moderating team! Please familiarize yourself with the general guidelines that apply to all volunteers.
Special Permissions of Forum Moderators
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Thank you for agreeing to be a volunteer moderator for MyEC! As this community grows we will rely more on dedicated members like you to keep this a friendly, safe and enjoyable site for learning, teaching, practising and sharing English. We select mo
Approving Photos All photos are reviewed before being accepted. On the right hand side you will see a link to photos that are waiting to be approved. Please accept or decline these photos each time you log into MyEC. Familiarize yourself with MyEC's P
Here are the specific duties for Chat Room Moderators:
1. Visit the chat room each time you log in to MyEC. (daily if possible) 2. Watch for abusive language, non-English, disrespect and inappropriate content. 3. Take up any minor concerns with indi
Guidelines Coming Soon...Position: VacantIf you know an EC member who is interested in volunteering for this position, please invite your friend to apply for this position.
plagiarise/plagiarize (v) = copy someone else's work and pretend that it is one's ownplagiarism (n) = an act of plagiarisingNote: copying is not clever. Copying someone's work and putting it on MyEC does not help a member learn English. That learner
Blog Moderators can:tag blogsfeature blogsdelete blog postsdelete commentsflag blogsFeaturingPlease feature a few of the best blogs each week. Also, please leave comments on blogs regularly (especially for new members who do not have readers yet). Yo
EC Forum moderators should - report spam posters, then remove spam posts - move spam topics to Trash Can (Josef can then delete the user) - move off-topic or off-forum posts to the relevant topic (new if necessary) or forum - watch for insulting/abus