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Beyond Every DarknessLooking through a bat’s eye, I felt,My heart skip a beat or two.Having no light of a firefly, I griped,And suddenly nailed my feet stuck.Rising unawares of upheaval,Cold feet cloaking me,I mumbled a weak helloBut what came backTo my ears, a soundThat mirrored mine.“HELLO? HELLO? HELLO?”My hair stood erect, forWhat seemed like an unexceptional soundBecame an evil chant in the darkness.“HELLO? HELLO? HELLO?”I shut my eyes, thinkingIt would fly me into the light, thinkingI woul
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.,......... Sindhi cuisine ..............Sindhi cuisine refers to the cuisine of the Sindhis from Pakistan and from India. The daily food in most Sindhi households consists of wheat-based flat-bread (phulka) and rice accompanied by two dishes, one gravy and one dry.Snacks........Kutti (Mashed Roti [Bread] with sugar and butter)Lolo or Mithi Loli (Sweeter version of koki)Ku-ini Kich-anee (Sindhi comfort food. A porridge like dish made with rice and served with yogurt)Chhola Dhabal (baked bread wi
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I got a diary as birthday gift from my mother. Since then I have the hobby to write something on the pretty diary book. Everytime when I reviewed those stories I've written before, it's always like getting into the time machine. The fragrance of mixture of the paper and ink awake my desire to pick up the pen. I enjoy the time when I scratched the pen to record my thoughts in my secret garden. It's exciting!I used to write out a diary book every year, but recently I found that I can hardly fill o
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Unreasonable solution

As a human, certainly we always find problems or some difficulties. This story is a spirit to you who have a big problem....Once upon the time, there was a farmer who has a horse, and he was fond of it very much. One day his horse felt down into a pit, a very.... deep pit. Of course he was very surprised, and tried to help it hurriedly. Every effort he did, the result is nothing, but he tried and tried to help it. After several day... he couldn't do anything to took it out from the misery. He ga
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MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN SATISFACTIONSatisfaction is more imporatant then money because peoples are working and earn money but they are busy in daily work and want to earn more and more money ,but they do not feeling complete rest .they was thinking that money si more important so they have not feel comlete satisfaction becuause peoples are working for the prupose of satisefaction ,need for different things ,becuase every peoles want to earn money for the satisfaction .<2>If you have not mon
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Game #9: Tongue Twisters from A-Z


Tongue twisters are sentences that use many words with the same sound. A common tongue twister is "She sells seashells by the seashore." Say it quickly a few times in a row. The "s" sound is difficult for some learners.

Tongue twisters are useful for English learners for two reasons:1. You can learn new words.2. You can practise your pronunciation.Let's play a tongue twister game together. We will try to get through the whole alphabet, from A-Z! When we are done I will post all of the tongue twi
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The ten secrets ....

The First Secret: The power of Love. Love begins with our thoughts. We become what we think. Loving thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships. Affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and others. If we want to love someone, we need to consider their needs and desires. Thinking about your ideal partner will help recognize him or her when you meet.The Second Secret: The power of Respect.You cannot love anyone or anything unless you first respect them. The
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Hi everybody!I have finished my exam of semester test. Now I'm coming back and ready to join with you in group "setting up a good group"As you know, I have an idea about organizing a group and I have received many replies from you. Now I'll expressing my ideaFirst, purpose of setting up group is to improve English skills of all members, to share your own experiences about studying E to everyone, to ask and answer everything which connect with E such as using words, phrases, grammar; difference a
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Hello, nice to meet you!!

I'm a Japanese guy.I want to improve my English skill and I want to meet more friends on the world. Would you like to contact me anything?I'm studying English now because many times I need read English letter in my work but I could not read well...I hove several hobby. Now I'm talking one hobby which is a music. I'm a koto player. The koto is one of Japanese traditional music instrument which have 13 strings like a harp.If you have any interesting for me or koto, please feel free contact me.Than
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color man

these are some sentenses that a black man said to a white one:Dear white brother-when i was born, i was black-when i grown up , i was black-when i'm under the sun ,i'm black-when i'm afraid , i'm black-when i will die ,i will be blackWhereas you ,white man:-when you was born ,you were pink-when you grown up , you were white-when you go under the sun , you become red-when you are ill ,you are yellow-when you are afraid , you are green-when you feel cold , you are blue-when you will die , you will
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The Rain

I FELT COLDI can sense cold that I had felt once, butI am not in a region to feel so cold.All our mind has such a power to give the feelingof wet weather , which is a gift given in an uncertain time by god .we can not create this , ifwe get help of all possible human intelligence .On that day I got drenched in heavy rainfall in theevening , which I never dislike .I was very ready for the wetness I have to feel.The rain accompanied by thunder and wind slapped on my face,it left tiny drops on my f
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My brothers and sisters,I read this story and I liked to share with all of u .i hope u 'll get benefit from it .Any one has the same story tells usBLACK and WHITEIn life, a lesson learned in your past that you will never forget completely.When I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned that day.I was convinced that "I" was right and "he" was wrong - and he was just as
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Ibrahim bi Ad-ham r.a. berkata ketika masyarakat bertanya kepadanya mengenai firman ALLAH SWT. “Berdoalah kepada KU, niscaya akan kuperkenankan bagimu“. Mereka berkata,” Kami telah berdoa, tetapi belum juga dikabulkan“.Maka Ibrahim r.a. menjawab, “Sebab hati kalian sudah mati dari sepuluh perkara“.1. They know ALLAH SWT. but never carry out ALLAH orders.2. They read Al Qur’an but never put into practice.3. They admitted that syaithon is an enemy but accompanied.4. They love Rasulullah SAW. but l
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pray to god please

I don´t know how to begin!!...I yesterday heard some really bad news...there is some problem with my aunt she is ill very ill..doctors said that she is only few days at live...but I pray...because she told that she wannt to live and she has so many wishes/hopes!...if someone read this text please pray for her...however ur religion is,if ur Muslim, the end is GOD who is there for us...
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NEW: I will only be notifying those who are active members. You must participate in order to continue receiving notification. Anyone is welcome to participate even if you are not on the list!

writing group

Each month I post a new writing challenge for learners on my blog. Teachers are also welcome to join! Please add your name in the comment section here if you want to receive a notice of NEW writing challenges. You MUST add me as a friend to receive notification. Please add the other people in this group as f
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EXPRESSIONSHello. My name is ........... .and I am coming from the Czech republic.Do you speak English?Could you repeat it please?Could you speak slowly please ?Could you please spell it for me ?I understand you very well.Good morning / Good dayGood eveningI am pleased to meet you.I am glad to meet you.This is my friend.May I introduce Mrs./ Mr. ........ to you.How are you? / I'm fine, thanks.How do you do?Good bye. / Good night / HelloHave a pleasant journey.Sorry, but I do not agree (with..)Un
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short story-----homesick

during the flight time from that foreign country he migrated ten years ago,he begareview all the tape of events and the blues occured during that time, he remebered when he left his humble village taking his small bag gazing to his mother buisy doing something n to in the kitchen as usuall, she is trying to escape grom farewell moments.when he came to the new country he felt that he is very strange he tried to find some fun in discovering the roads and places, but he felt that strong homesick is
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The History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza(A.S.)Imam Reza(A.S.)The holy city of Mashhad is the administrative capital of the Khorasan province. Its present population is nearing two and half millions and occupies an area of more than 200 square kilometers. It is situated in the north-east of Iran between Binalood and Hazar mountain ranges. It is 945 kilometers away from Tehran and its altitude is 980 meters above the sea level. At present Mashhad is the second largest city in Islamic Republic o
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