Why Women Cry - ~ author unknown ~

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?""Because I'm a woman," she told him."I don't understand," he said.His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."Later the little boy asked his father,"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?""All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.The little boy grew up and became a man,still wondering why women cry.Finally he put in a call to God.When God answered, he asked,"God, why do women cry so easily?"God said:"When I made the woman she had to be special.I made her shoulders strong enoughto carry the weight of the world,yet gentle enough to give comfort.I gave her an inner strengthto endure childbirthand the rejectionthat many times comes from her children.I gave her a hardnessthat allows her to keep goingwhen everyone else gives up,and take care of her familythrough sickness and fatigue without complaining.I gave her the sensitivity to love her childrenunder any and all circumstances,even when her child has hurt her very badly.I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faultsand fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.I gave her wisdom to knowthat a good husband never hurts his wife,but sometimes tests her strengthsand her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.And finally, I gave her a tear to shed.This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.""You see my son," said God,"the beauty of a woman is notin the clothes she wears,the figure that she carries,or the way she combs her hair.The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes,because that is the doorway to her heart- the place where love resides."
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  • Hello M.Adaway,
    Thanks for your interest to my post. I would be happy to hear your objections :)) and i think other women would be too. Let's share this !

  • Hello Selma,
    Some men do, some don't !
    Nice to see your comment here, thanks for reading this post.

    Have a nice evening.
  • Hi,
    I have some words too. Relationship is for two that's for whatever shared between both sexes need equal responsibility. As for me..:))
    So You are right Manuela, Don't worry Salim :))

    Conclusion; There is a little girl inside every woman ! Unfortunately, men don't realize this :((
  • Dear Tarik,

    Thanks you for your kind opinion and for your sweet comment. I am afraid you give me too much credit :))

    Blowing you love acrros the miles.
  • Hello Atika,
    You're right about reasons why women cry, there are so many.... but maybe some women (as me) are way to sensitive and it is really a problem !!!

    Wishing you a happy weekend.
  • Hello Salim,

    Don't worry, God didn't give all those qualities only to women, but shared all of them between both sexes.

    Have a great weekend,
  • very nice and wise ,but i think that each time we cry ,there is inevitably a reason in the deep insid of our heart!!
    thank you -atika-
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