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Looking Forward

Greetings to everybody!

A new year and a new decade is here! For many, the last decade was dismal and we look forward, with hope and promise, to a new decade of peace and understanding.

The New Year celebrations are now over in the USA, but the Chinese New Year celebrations will start soon all over the world. China is a big country and has a huge population, and many Chinese live around the world. In the USA, there is a big Chinese group living in New York, and in San Francisco (and in many other

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and so I regained my conscious and went with the flow of scenario. everything and everyone I saw around me seemed so real that my mind didn't even want to interrogate. since when have I been living with this unconscious memories..I finally remembered everything!I'll push down all the stones that's been trying to keep m...e off my goal for all this time. ıt is time to finish what I've started..
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about my plan to study-DD100206

today, I will study lesson 1 again for preparation of ıelts

and then I will look esl lesson for pronounsation and other topics

ı will rewiev the telephone conversion,

maybe ı will listen living end- episode 1 and 2


after all these things ı decided how to begin my study plan ..

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Greetings from Armenia!

I love the Olympic Games and the Winter Sports is one of my favourite events.My postcard is for the Olympic athletes all over the world, especially the Armenian ones. We don't usually have enough snow here so I assume that our participation in Vancouver will be modest. In order to be in good shape, our athletes have been training in the Czech Republic, Italy and Tsaghkadzor. I know that it's going to be hard for them to get high scores in the Games but I remember that Mich
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Choose you sex please !

Yes I was dreaming...or.... daydreaming? , I don't know...where was I ?In the taxi ? Checking my students' homework I guess ? But came...BANG !
I felt something in my head, I felt that some kind of chemistryhappened in my mind. Something mixed with something else and the resultwas awesome !
An idea was born....Eureka !

I can download my baby !

What ?! can download my baby...!

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Choose you sex please.

Let me think, last time
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Capsulated !

Last week I had a test, It was way too hard, I wonder why those teachers had made it so hard. Are they crazy or something?
I went home with a pain in my heart. If only I could find a way to show them something.
As a genius I am, late that night I could not sleep, I went to my laband rolled up my sleeves and got to work, and guess what ? Eureka ! Icame out with a bunch of capsules in my hand each of which had thepower to increase your grammar ability. In fact I have capsulated (To teachers:this is
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Dear Shen and Zhao,

I'm a fan of yours and excited to know you two are on the list of athletes who were chosen to represent China at the upcoming Winter Olympics. I like figure skating and I really know you are one of the best figure skating pairs in the world. Athough you've already been Olympic gold medal winners and suffered so much from the injuries, you are definitely gold medal hopefuls of Vancouver Olympics.

What a coincidence! When the Olympics take place in Canada next week, we'll be cele

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Silent Night

Silent Night is a certain time is a good for us.We felt closely with God and took our prayers. We were focused on something important in apart of our life. For me, it was helped me alot to find
"What is the meaning to alive"....near or far,..real or is not real no matter, with God I can talk, I can asked alot.
I asked to God "Who I am",..." Where I am"..."What I am doing"...I was asking to My God in the silent night."God gave me any signal for it. I knew and I was "Smiling" without any reason. I
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Find more music like this on My English Club


p/s : i dont know what happen.. but it seem that i can embed a script T_T

"If That's Ok With You" lyric..

[Verse 1]
I love the way that you look without your make-up
I had a girl before we met but we broke up
There's something about you that makes me want to step up
Step up and be with you
If that's OK with you
We'll keep the neighbours awake too late, too late
'cause I'm gonna make you feel so good how I see it's happening
We'll keep the neighbours awa
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A flood happened in Yangshuo

I guess the height difference is about two metres. Can you imagine? hehe.(I've forgotten what exactly the date is when a flood happened, but doesn't matter, I will try to remember what i did that day) It show in June 13, 2008 on these pics, hehe..Actually, I used to work at a little tourism agency for about two months during those days for learning English. It's a good way to improve English as a free tour guider working at a little tourism agency so that I have many chance to communicate with f
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DID YOU KNOW THAT...?did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart are really weak and most impressionable?did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them ?did you know that if you ask for something in faith your wishes are granted ?did you know that when you help someone;the help is returned in tow folds ?

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52nd Annual Grammy Awards

I was able to watch the 52nd Annual Grammy awards. I was excited because my favorite singer, Taylor Swift won the Album of the year. It was a dream come true to her. She sang her hit song, You Belong with Me in a country music tone. Beyonce and Lady Gaga sang also for that event. Beyonce sang her hit song, If I Were a Boy and danced fiercely. Maybe she's trying to prove what sasha fierce looks like.It was inspiring to see that the other singers will donate to the victims of earthquake in Haiti.
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As we all know, friendship is quite important in our life, just like a drop of water occasionally when you are walking in desert and looking for some water.Many people including me sometimes we don't know who are our real friends and how many real friends we do have. It seems funny.So what do you think real friendship is?
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Official Olympic Mittens

The Olympic Games are coming to my hometown of Vancouver and I am on my way there! Though I currently live in Ontario, Canada I was born in Vancouver and spent a third of my life there. With the mountains and beaches and forests it is the most beautiful city I have ever seen. I am excited to have the privilege to be in Vancouver for part of the Games.

Though the Winter Games do not receive as much attention as the Summer Games, they are a very important event for athletes and fans around the wor
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Dear all friends,What kind of life are you eager to have?If you are serious, please answer those questions first as follow:1. What personality do you have?2. What type of person would you like to make friends with?3. Do you enjoy families get-together?4. What is your ideal job? What job are you doing now? Are you enjoying it?5. What do you think of money? How do you control your money in daily life?6. Are you fearing of poor life? If you are rich now, you live happily?7. What's your age now? Up
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"Present Progressive Tense"

A present progressive tense are commonly words that have -ing...this actions are happening in progressive form...examples: I am watching televisions.She is cooking in the kitchen.They are playing basketball.:)
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some guys, i don't know them. hehe.

Joyce and I, her husband was taking picture for us and we were saying "cheese". lol.........

it's me again. I'm a little fat, haha. What do you think i'm doing? I'm introducing the "Mystery Beach" to you. all friends,I'm sorry I didn't metion about the mysterious beach in " I had a great life in Yangshuo".Now, I will take you into the great place called "Mystery Beach". My friends told me about "secret beach when I just arrived in there, b
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Nowadays ,we see that lot of couples are incompatible,although they choose to live togother.the conflict starts especialy after geting childs.Some persones can accept to live with this conflict,others can't.So in this case,what should be the solution?A wise decision ,trying to find an agreement ,listen to each other and solve hand in hand their couple? live together but differently not to affect childs?Or separated for ever?What can be the cause of this conflict?differences,monotony,or simply th
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Out of dream...

Sometimes, people usually dream of ur love. But I'm not...Dont think about that and always thinks that What's come, it'll come. Because that, I'm not trying to think about my love and live with normal days.After that I loved a man. But we always quarrel with together. And it's time for us to part when my family were dis agree.Once day, I lossed my moto in my birthday. I'm very sad. Lose 2kilo because of that. My parents bought it and make me a present of when I started to work. I love it and it'
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