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Steal, Stole, Stolen

To steal is an irregular verb as well as an irregular act.

I usually connect to myenglishclub when I am at work because most of my time, I spend it at work.

Once, I was connecting to myenglishclub busy replying to a blog post, someone entered my shop opened

The closed showcase door and stole some of the displayed mobiles. Honestly, I did not notice his presence or know when he did came in, and when I was replying I was sure that no one was inside, bu

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I can remember it . It was wonderful and hard experiment .

First trip with bike .

We were 5 friends in this journey & it was first time for All to travel on road , city to city .

We should have ridden near to 40 KM to next city ."Takistan" To "Ghazvin" .

Our experiment was not complete and even had not any tools for puncture fixing

But we had so passion for this way .

I wanted to make new story for us . I'm always exploring to find a reply to some of my question .

Common human questions , " what i
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Views: 123
Comments: 4

A Beautiful Resolution

Two days ago, an old man who is my neighbor gave me this old notebook when I was passing his house...At first I was startled because I hardly know him...I don't really know him even his name...Besides exchanging smiles and a word or two, our relation as a neighbor is no more than
that.. In short,we are not that close friend but then he gave me that
old notebook..And I wonder why? "This is my daughter's notebook..maybe
you want to read it" said he..Then his old wife came and said.."You
know he has
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Making Friends

During your lifetime would you encounter the condition for several times-- being new in a groupe,such as moving to a new place, attending a new school or being transferred to another branch. When your are new, making friends is a great way to acquaint you with the unfamiliar environment. Let's talk about making friends more. For some of you, making friends may be easy. However, it's sort of difficult for me. Actually, as I am with people, I sometimes have no idea what I can say to them. At the m
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First, my 15 year internet experience paved the way. I knew how to search. I could judge a site by its look.

So I typed "English forum" into the google search and made my way. My English's advanced but there's always room for improvement. I may also want to teach or help people online.

I wound my way through a thicket of links and address and sites. Sometimes I had to push my way through easy-going-ness. Sometimes I had to eat my way into the content of site, to have a few pretaste.

There were some

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Views: 74
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Alone No More


I was sitting alone,

Suddenly, I felt

Someone is looking at me,

I felt shy, shy and shy,

After sometime I

When I started looking quaintly,

I felt there was no one near to me

I looked around many a times but could not find any one

At last I looked into the sky

The moon was looking at me

I just asked him to come down to me

It refused, refused and continued to refuse,

It said I am engaged with someone

I am engaged with someone,

I am engaged with someone

I start walking with my head down

Then I realize

And I s

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Views: 347
Comments: 33

The last day at the Office!

The last day at office,[IMGLEFT=]I wake up early in the morning and feel good, I know that would be the good day, everything have good at the start and I feel happy about that.Clean teeth, wash face, have breakfast and go to work. I reach the office at 8:10, just 2 people here, and because we don't have the key to open the door, so we sitting around outside and talking to others. after 10 minutes later, one people came and fortunatety sh
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Views: 109
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Most people want others to comment on their blogs. When they finish and publish a blog, they will be expecting some comments on it. Usually, they expect something positive, encouraging or inspiriting. They check their blogs frequently to see if there are any comments and they'll do so first thing the next day. If there is no comment, they will feel a little frustrated or even sad. Anyway, they write blogs to express their ideas, thoughts or opinion and communicate with other people. With that in

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Views: 476
Comments: 65

Riding bike

I had a very amazing experience about riding bike. It was sunny that day, then Joyce, her husband and I decided to ride bike out of the town. I knew a very good place for riding bicycle, where I rode with Susan last time and it was a new freeway which the task was just completed without any cars driving.

That's so cool riding bicycle on the wide freeway without any transportation.
Sharing with you some pics of us as follow:

This is Joyce and her husband. They are really a good couple who love eac

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Views: 111
Comments: 6

Feeling Bike riding


Ok . I think here is my world and i want to live here whatever possible .
So i want to start describe our journey with my wife till now .
May be possible to come to your country and see you closer .
At now . I & my dear Mina (My Wife ) have two bicycle for Mountain Traveling .
These type of bike have 2 wheel like as another bike . I'm kidding .
OK . 2 wheel . Because of riding with 1 wheel is so hard . Is'nt it .
When i'm riding on road quietly , i can hear contact sound of tire with ground .
This so
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Views: 251
Comments: 7


dear God ,I thank you for this day of eyes to see the sky

of life

For ears to hear the birds

For feet to walk among the trees

For hands to pick the flowers from the earth

For a sense of smell to breathe in the sweet perfumes of nature

For a mind to think about and appreciate the magic of everyday miracles


in the end for a spirit to be with joy at your mighty presense everywhere.

may God bless you



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No title!

I don't know what I would like to write. So, no'm just feeling so bored. I felt i'm sitting here but my heart and mind are out of here. I know i'm waiting for the New Year's holidays and have no mood to keep working, even don't want to do anything. Actually, there are nothing to do at work, it's totally free, but my boss still asks us to work.To be honest, I don't have any detailed plans for holidays. Yoga is one of my colleagues who also won't go back hometown so
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Views: 97
Comments: 2

Start to more learning

Hi Every body .
I hope to help together to learn more about everything .
And New language or another language is a gate to another world with another culture .
It can improve our mind because of any language come with its own world .
So I'm interested to know about all around the world people and learn more about their life .
I'm here to cooperate my experiment .
Hello every body .
I am here to be friend and for cooperation
Thank u
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Views: 68
Comments: 1

~ Chpt 17 : Have you had a ....... ~

Have you had a feeling that you hate someone so much, that you want to punch the person in the face?

Have you had a feeling that you feel so sad without reason?

Have you had a feeling that you so angry and don’t know how to express those anger.. (Except that you start to knocking your head on desk)

Have you had a feeling like someone stab in your heart?

Have you had.....

I don’t know what but suddenly had a feeling want to eat an ice cream.. yummie..

lol ... ^_^

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Views: 114
Comments: 8

Tree Planting

There's a lot of reasons why trees are important in our environment. For instance, it keeps our air fresh and protects the air from pollution. It also gives shades from direct sunlight thus protects our skin from dehydration and dryness. Not only that, you can try to plant trees or plants in our backyard or we can join different organizations that protects the environment and advocates tree planting.

With the fast rising of climate change, we should do our share to help our environment greener.
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Views: 88
Comments: 2

Spring Festival in China

Hi Folks,I'd like to introduce our culture and traditions to you about Spring Festival in China.In China, the New Year also called Spring Festival, it is acounted according toLunar Calendar. If you are Chinese, you'll know there are two kinds of dates acounted, solar calendar and lunar calendar. Usually, the date is apart almost a month between solar and lunar, for example yesterday it was 24th Dec by lunar but by solar it was 7th Feb.With reference to the date of 24th Dec, it is also a festival
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Views: 107
Comments: 2

Hi~ EC and my friends

Yesterday was the second time I log in the Englishclub. And it was really happy to see that there were 3 people inviting me to be their friends. It also inspired me to know others more positively. Therefore, I decided to invite someone to be my friends. I found a girl who could speak several languages. She seemed interesting. I sent a message to her, but she didn't sent a response to me yet. It made me nervous to talk to someone unfamiliar, but opening my mind to make friends with others was rea

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Views: 127
Comments: 6

learning a language

learning a language whether it was English or any other one is always about learnig something new and having fun at the same time... at least that is the case to me... i studied English for 8 years at school and 4 years at the university... i still learn something new everyday... i currently learn Spanish and while learning it ... i'm reviewing my English and learning new things too... i love it when i'm doing anything that has to do with my process of learnig of English, Spanish or French even.
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Views: 71
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~ Chpt 16 : oldies ~

Lately, i am into oldies song.. kinda like it..

oh no.. i don't know what to write.. each time i'm visiting at EC.. saw my blog.. mMm what to write..

Find more music like this on My English Club

The young ones
Darling, we're the young ones
And the young ones
Shouldn't be afraid
To live, love
While the flame is strong
For we may not be
The young ones very long
Whywait until tomorrow
'Coz tomorrow
Sometimes never comes
Solove me
There's a song to be sung
And the best time
Is tosing it whi
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Views: 102
Comments: 3