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2347569793?profile=originalPicture by Leslie Anneliese

A majestic bird with golden plumage landed on a rock in front of the ocean.  A tiny fish poked out his head, drawn by the beauty of the bird.

With haughtiness the bird began to speak:

B:   Have you ever been in the blue sky?

F: No, I haven't, but I have been in the blue and fascinating ocean full of life and mystery.

B: Have you ever touched the stars?

F: No, I haven't, but I have touched the brightest reefs on earth full of light and color.

B: Have you ever da

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The Skype Call:

R: Hi, L! How have you been?

L: Hey, I am fine! I have just got a few free minutes and decided to open Skype. What about you?

R: I am not bad as well! I have just seen a cat, crossing the street and recalled the last topic of our previous conversation.

L: What is it?

R: We were talking about the pets last time.

L: Oh, really! You know, the cats have always been my favorite animals!

R: Mine too! They are so cute, funny and interesting!

L: Yeah, have you ever seen them playing with boxes?


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Where is my Heart?

This is once again a dialogue (Blog) in response to Onee Chan's Writing challenge using

present perfect tense

L: Have you seen my heart honey, I am feeling my chest is empty?

B: You might have dropped somewhere on your way!

L: May be, sure, cause my all ways come to you, maybe I have already given my heart to you and forgot!

B: What do you mean "forgot"? Are there many whom you have been giving your heart and forgetting to whom it's been given?

L: Nnno no. I swear to you there is no one but you.

B: So,

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 Dialogue between two friends.

Zara: Irene, did you see my laptop? Actually, I think I have taken it inside my bag before leaving home but now it is not here. You know, I am worrying, so can you help me to find it?

Irene: Sorry to hear, dear. I think, first you should make a phone call at home and ask your mom, and, anyway is it your  red colored Lapy?

Zara: Yes, yes, that red colored, have you seen it?

Irene: Yes, but, I saw it last week. Anyway, make a phone call!

Zara: '' Hello, mom, can you tell

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English as a Global Language

English is the world’s global language. It has attained this status due to the recognition of its role in most countries of the world. Growth of English to become global language is attributed to globalization. Need for lingua franca in the international globalization arena led to adoption of English as the world’s lingua franca. It is therefore the language used on the international summits. English is both international and world’s language. This is what makes English to be the most appropriat

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"your challenge has been accepted Onee~chan",  that's what i said at onee-chan blog entry.  However i got confused with the task. lol   you see my english still on elementary.  =D

Here goes :-

O : Have you ever posted video on EC?

Me :  i used to upload before but not anymore

O : Have you blogged on MyEC this month?

Me : Yes, as often as i could.

O : My photo have not been approved, yet

Me :  What!! not yet approve? Unbelievable.  Do i need to get angry at someone for you Onee-chan? lol


me : 

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The Conversation Between Lovers
Girl: Have you ever loved any other girls as much as me.
Boy: No, I've never loved any other girls more than you.
Girl: Really? I am glad to hear that. I'd never asked you this question before because I'd been afraid of what your answer would be.
Boy: Oh, no. Trust me. I've never lied to you.
Girl: By the way, I received this message "I've never loved any other girls more than you." from you at this morning, but "to Mary" is written on it. I'm not Mary, I'm Emma.

The Co

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Good morning, everyone! :))

Well, well, the month of August will end soon, but we haven't joined any challenge, yet. Keep boosting your English skill! :))

What about grammar challenge? It's not difficult I guess. Everyone knows present perfect, doesn't it? But, learners are probably confused when to use it. We can use it when we talk about experience, change, or continuing situation. EnglishClub has explanation for that. You can also learn how to use 'for' and 'since' in present perfect. Please ch

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The world before social media      Yes, there was a “world” without internet and social media….different, but not bad at all!!  I thought that while looking at the picture.

I think that most of us agree that technology has advantages and disadvantages. I do not intend to argue about this. Rather, I want to focus on how life was without it.

I showed the picture to a couple of teenagers who cried out:  Ohhh how did you live without facebook!!?... I would have passed away without “Instagram”…and so o

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A Phubber

A smartphone is something interesting to have.  It is so helpful in communication and learning. Most of people wish to pocess a smartphone to benefit from many different applications. As soon as the net is connected to your device, the world is at your finger tips. You may spend a few days doing good activities, learning and reading news etc. After that you are pulled in with more and more activities such as chatting, making whatsapp status and watching videos. Time flies and you spend ages gett

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Falling Asleep

Hi Everyone!

I hope your week is as happy as the happiest butterfly. :))

Have you ever fallen asleep not at the right time?? Or how often it happens?? Last time, I fell asleep while watching a speech on YouTube. Something uncomfortable happened 'cos I had had a promise to have a call with a friend in my two hours of sleeping. LoL...

My worst experience about falling asleep was when I attended a forum with one speaker in front of the listeners. We were sitting on the floor and there was a divider de

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The Living Jet


This piece of writing is a continuation of my previous blog about the Wee Alien. If you haven’t read the blog yet, here’s the link.


The wee alien that I have been keeping for awhile has decided to sleep. It changed its color from green to brown which made me more curious. Notice the web that he formed to protect him. Could this be a new spider mutation? The thingy alien kept on sleeping as if it’s dead. Someone recommended me to mist it to keep t

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I always have liked to be comfortable and have taken for granted having electricity and all the conveniences that this brings to my life. I have never given the much thought to. My home is a small house in the country and my nearest neighbor lives a half a mile down the road from where I live.

You would think that I am very isolated but thanks to an electrical power line , this is not so, because this power line allows me to have a telephone line, a tv , radio, my stereo equipment which I can lis

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The First drop of Rain

It is on the motivation of 'dara's" blog Rain, this blog came into being.  Thanks dara.

After a very hot day when the dark clouds come and overcast the scorching sky the thirsty sands and mud on the hot ground give its smell with the first drop of the rain.  It is like the entire surrounding is performing the ritual of ablution. I imagine myself to be on the path where there is no traffic around but the green trees on both sides of the road waving with the wind. At the distance far away, all alon

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Walk and do some exercises.

A few months ago I felt nearly severe pain in my back! I had pain in my foot too. I saw four doctors, they gave me pain killers, vitamins  and suggested me not to do any exercise until I get relief from the pain. I followed their suggestions but took less painkillers. Actually they also told me to try to take less painkillers when I could bear the pain and I tried my level best!

Now I am okay, at least I think so. But, if I sit for long hours I still feel discomfort, I feel it pains a little. So,

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Hello guys, I saw a title among blogs, named "why we cant stop using smartphones" or someting like that and i want to tell you that "WE CAN". There some reasons of me stopping using my smart phone but there is only one main reason which is that I wanted to see what changes when i dont use my smartphone anymore. It has been one week already and so far things went well. And I can list what things has changed after stop using it.

1. More time to think for things around you.

2. More time for friends.

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Hello Everyone,

I would like to share my unforgettable moment with you all, actually it was more a scary moment at that current time, but looking back, my sister and I can really laugh for long, long time recalling that memory.

It was a summer day, I was about six years old, Mom told us to go out and play - Behind our house there was a playground.

My sister and I decided to lay down in the grass - As said so done. I can not recall what were we talking about, just that we were looking up in the sky.

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I am taking the challenge as well!!!

When I was a child I wanted a sister.   

Many years ago my mother got pregnant and I remenber when my parents went to the hospital because the "moment" had arrived!  (at that time you were not able to know if the baby was a boy or a girl. You had to wait that your mother gave birth to know it!), I got anxious, because remember: I wanted a sister! 

I put my elbows over the window and waited for long hours for my father"s return from the hospital. When I saw my fa

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It was when I was about five years old. I was sleeping with my parents in an upstairs room, which had a window that lead to a balcony. I woke up at midnight and looked out of the window. Then I saw something white floating in the dark and thought it was a ghost. Though I was very frightened, I soon fell asleep again because I felt my parents would protect me. After that, I became frightened of ghosts when I was a child, but when I became an adult and thought what it could have been, I realized i

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Like many of you I also have many unforgettable moments in my life! So, I want to write some more stories one by one. Here is the first one!

It happened many years back, then I was 17 years old. I went to my grandparent's village  to attend in my grandfather's funeral. There we stayed 3/4 days. One day I along with my cousins had bath in the pond. There they made a boat type thing with the stems of the banana tress. We, everybody rode on it. But, suddenly it turned over, I fell down and went unde

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