The Forest

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I guess it is charming a bit:)

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  •   Iit's  okay Roman  :) 

  • Sorry, Rosemary, I missed your comment again:( Yes, it is a verdant forest. And yes, I spent many years in that forest... I know almost every square meter of it:) And when I was young, I hated that forest because of feeding the goats everyday:)

  • O.o anaconda... then i was in danger...
  • As if there's anaconda coming. :D

  • Yep, Rose! Everythng like you said) But as you've mentioned before, that camera can't show the real beauty:) Thank you!

  • What a beautiful forest. It's as if I am inside the forest at home. We have here also many forests in our surrounding.
    I heard your steps, the sound of grass and how branches broke under your shoes. You called your dog, it was like a walk with you. Thanks for sharing this moment with us.

  • Ok, SNR, i will! Ahahaha, yep, something like that:) Thank you for such emotion!!!

  • ...Muskan, but it is previous video before that video of the stadium

  • Yes, rysperski, me too... And i don't even know what does "dingo dogs" mean... Can you tell me?

  • Lol Rys that dingo ate my attention as well!! 

    Great video Roma and finally I heard you just one word tho xD

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