Smaila in the winter forest

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Smaila is playing in the winter forest! :)

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  • Breaks my heart every time I see this, that I don't have any videos of Ginger... How is Smaila doing??


    • Smaila is doing fine, but I haven't taken any photos or videos of her lately. I will try to record her next time I'm in a village.

  • Hi Grace! 

    Haha, that is what I think about her jumping!!! :D

    Thank you!!!

  • Hi Evangelina!

    Yeah, me too! :)

    Well, actually most of time my mom is carrying about Smaila. But whenever I come to the village, Smaila is mine xD

    Thank you very much! Hmmm. I will read the comments to my mom :)))

  • Hi NotAClue! :)

    I am glad to hear that!!! :)

    :D So, you like winter forests?

    Thank you very much!!!! :)))

  • SO adorable! How come Smaila can jump like deer

  • Roman,

    How cute and joyful Smaila is playing, and all that jumping around that’s so cute, made me smile.

    You know it is said, if you want to know the personality of the owner watch how they take care of their pets and I believe you are a true caring human being, because Smaila seems so happy, healthy, comfortable and safe.

    :) Very nice video.

  • Hi Robbie!

    No, I just muted it. Actually Smaila wasn't barking at all:)

    She is so hyper because almost all the time she sit in her doghouse. And every time when we go out somewhere, she goes with us xD

    No, I don't even know, if the dogs can drink coffee... 

    About trust... She doesn't care about my clean clothes in the moment when I am coming to the village :) So it is not an easy task, to avoid her paws :D

    Thank you! :)

  • xDDD MARY! I didn't notice it before...

    But she is happy. Our fence is not high, so she can easily jump over it, whenever she wants. :D

    Thank you! 

  • hahhahaha oh my!! Poor Smaila!! She suffers from a split personality, she probably doesn't know she's a dog!! XD  She jumps like a goat and wants to climb trees like a squirrel!! hahaha...   Look what you and your goat did to her!  Now she doesn't know to behave like a dog; she's a goatrrel (goat+squirrel) :((    You've to take her to a Therapug...


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