The dog is digging

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Just digging dog in the forest

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  • Sometimes i think so, MARY! But i'm afraid if she will find aspen nest...... Especially because once i've found it. And suddenly i realized that i'm able to run very fast despite of forest difficult ground...
  • Erm... dogs are into bones, right? 

    Okay, don't panic Roman, but I think your dog found someone's dead body D:

  • Yes, Rosemary! It is my dog "Smaila" And she always trying to dig something in forest.

  • Unfortunately, no:) She just found the moor's hole.

  • LOL....if we all had that kind of determination!!!!!

  • I hope Smaila would not give up digging there. She must have smelt some gold bars in the forest he he. :)

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