Native language

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  • Saya cinta Ret dan lagu nya. Saya tidak tahu kamu tahu tentang gitar. Don't tell the members that I said that I liked you and your song, too. Can you see The Wedding?
  • nice voice ))

  • wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  • @robbie of course Robbie :) I will add new song soon using English :)
  • Hi Reta!

    That was a lovely performance! You have a beautiful voice, but I couldn't understand what you are singing about. What do you think is the appropriate title for your video? You can edit your video using the options button, simply click edit video. You may also provide an English translation of your video as a description at the bottom section while you're editing it. This will understand the message of your song. Thank you!


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