Give English Teachers 1 Tip

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I'm at the TESOL convention in Philadelphia this week. I'll be talking to teachers from all over the world. I would love to be able to give them feedback from learners from all over the world! Please complete the sentence:"I wish all English language teachers would..."For example: "I wish all English language teachers would show YouTube videos." OR "I wish all English language teachers would let me speak my native language in class."You can write or record your message.Teachers: If you see this video, please invite your students to add a comment.

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  • i wish all of the English teachers would tell with us on Skype and comment back to the students

  • I wish that all teacher english language are have patience and more encouragement to those who are not confident to speak and especially kindness

  • I wish all English language teachers would commend every students who eagerly practicing their English speaking skills. : )

  • Hello my tutor ,, its my first time write you here ,, its my pleasure , really our tutor doing the best with us to improve English , this great and good things for every learner ,,,

      So about the question today ,,,

      "I wish all English language teachers would..." Speak with us through Skye for few minute . its really heard work for tutor to do but its just my opinion ,,,, thanks for chance

  • "I wish all English language teachers would..." teach us on skype and also post new tips and technic on youtube or here.

  • "I wish all English language teachers would teach me English for free!"

  • I wish all english language teacher be patient to teach us as student, especially to me as elementary level. And wish all teacher can courage us to always practice and practice, nothing day without learning....Thank you so much Teacher Tara....:)

  • Teacher Tara, Please don't mind. Really You help us so much. So no need to wish more. We are here for learning ....And You are the great Teacher. No doubt.

    BTW...Maybe, You lost some kilograms on this video, right?

  • I wish all English Teacher would let me to pass my

  • It's probably too late now, but for me the ONE thing I'd like ALL language teachers (not just teachers of English) to do is SHUT UP. And I couldn't put it better than Thomas Topham in 15 Ways to Shut Up.

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