The Chaos Of English Pronunciation by Gerard Nolst Trenité

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This is different. Even a native English speaker has to find this interesting. English must be a very old language, because how else could one explain the ra...

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  • interesting
  • I think it would be a good idea Ohnie. It will take a while considering my level. 

    Anyway, you encouraged me to do it. Thank you!

  • Ooh, I got it!  That's right, at first glance you look like him (maybe older version).  Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.  Anyways, I guess this is a good start.  I believe some of my friends will also post their audios here in few days.  Hope to hear yours as well, J.

  • Hi Ohnie.

    I only shared it . I'm just a newbie trying to learn English.

    Probably you to be mistaken because of the goatee :)

    I'm endeavoring to memorize the words and pronunciation, but there is very still work to be done.

  • Here you go.  Thanks.

  • Awesome video, Teacher J!  Although most words are weird and unfamiliar, you made them sound interesting.  Anyways, hope you can check mine out and point me out where I mispronounced.  I did this a while ago and it's kinda dull unlike yours.  I will challenge some of my friends to try this out as well.  It should be fun!  Thank you!

  • :)

  • What an interesting way to practice our pronunciation with comedic flavour! Thank you for sharing, J Coast! Welcome to the club.

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