I was very surprised, Roman, in many cities the lanterns wear such beautiful heads. Never before I have seen it. There are streets with laterns and on the top of the lanterns you can see different animal sculptures... every single lanterns is decorated with.
Yeah, Elen, I think it's an old tradition and in Thai Culture the animals will have their different meaning. Although I have been the second time on a trip to Thailand .... it's never time enough to ask and to know everything.
Ammmm, it sounds very beautifull and little bit weird:)
I was very surprised, Roman, in many cities the lanterns wear such beautiful heads. Never before I have seen it. There are streets with laterns and on the top of the lanterns you can see different animal sculptures... every single lanterns is decorated with.
Yeah, Elen, I think it's an old tradition and in Thai Culture the animals will have their different meaning. Although I have been the second time on a trip to Thailand .... it's never time enough to ask and to know everything.
Yeah, its architecture comes from an old beautiful age :)
VEEEEEEEEEEERY* beautifull lantern! I want to have such lanterns in my city:) And in my village!