Once upon a time, some people went to the moon, to see the white bunny..
When they focus cameras,
Ohhh poor bunny jumped to the earth
See here,now it is in my profile.
Nice one! It's really interesting to see the moon that close than usual. We could still find it different from each other's because of the different latitude that we are located in. Thank you for sharing it from Poland, Rysperski! :)
Inna) tet-a-tet with moon :) yeah right .
A good thing that not tet-a tet... :))))))))))))
Woah!! Caramba Rys!! That's a super large tortilla D:
Awesome pic! thanks for "mooning"! ;)
Perfect, Captain :)
Once upon a time,
some people went to the moon,
to see the white bunny..
When they focus cameras,
Ohhh poor bunny jumped to the earth
See here,now it is in my profile.
So beautiful.Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Beautiful!
Nice one! It's really interesting to see the moon that close than usual. We could still find it different from each other's because of the different latitude that we are located in. Thank you for sharing it from Poland, Rysperski! :)