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Ho Chi Minh City


September 26

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pc commented on pc's blog post Food .............
"Marry, u can find a friend who cook food. u just eat."
May 10, 2019
pc commented on pc's blog post Food .............
"hi noaslpls. U can use made flour. Made flour is easy to cook and does not waste more time. But…"
May 10, 2019
pc commented on pc's blog post Food .............
"Hi Evangeline. Sometime, we mix flour with egg."
May 10, 2019
pc commented on pc's blog post Food .............
"Hi Eric. Did u  make pancako ? How was it ?"
May 10, 2019
pc commented on Amal's blog post Big Difference
"It is a good story. Prophet doesn't want to hurt anyone, he hurt himself. He is kind-hearted."
May 10, 2019
pc commented on pc's blog post My feeling ............
"thank all. i did . we are normal . "
May 10, 2019
pc commented on pc's blog post My feeling ............
"thank u. i think i meet and make her happy. before i go. "
May 10, 2019
pc posted blog posts
May 8, 2019