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  • hi..
    It nice to see so many people who are using english to express themself.
    I have recently joined this social networking site . Even I am well known to internet but I dont know about this site that how this site is functioning .I want to know how you are using this site to increase your speaking skill.How I can send messages to all groups members. Tell me something about this site.

    And I think that It is good to have a partner to enhance speaking skill in english. I am somewhere on upper-intermediate level and I know about fluency tricks too. I would like to join you as partner.

    What do you think about this.
    Let me know about your availability.
    Soon I will send my Gtalk,skype,yahoo ids.
  • Hello
    Dear . hale
    I really would like spacially to thank you for accept my invite.
    I m really here becuse I want help my friend to learn English and improve our English language.
    I really tell you , I m ready in your service all the time .
    if you have problem you can call me or send en email for me .
    I try resolve your problem in learn English.
    your faithfully
  • hi hale.
    i want you teach me english. can you help me?
    this is my email m.hr_pat
  • Hello
    Dear. H a le
    Good day to have been no trouble.
    I am glad that you are listen to my suggestion.
    I hope they help you.
    How is life in your familly?are you enjoying in your life?
    I would like to spacially to thank you for reply my Comment.
    I would like to have good & nice relationshie together and have nice conversation each other.
    I realy would like to have nice day together if you have free time.
    I m looking forward to this day.
    I preper two pack of cd to learn English and I C D L and alittel information about IT and hard wear and Soft wear.
    I like hlep you to learn english very good for good future.
    I hope that you are .
    I wishe you many smile.
    Your faithfully
    your hamid.
This reply was deleted.

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February 24

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hale replied to hale's discussion partner in Learning Partners
"Hi Saeed

Firstly, where are you from?
introduce yourself , pls.

What is your major?

May 9, 2019
hale replied to hale's discussion partner in Learning Partners
"It would be my pleasure to have conversation with you.

Could you possibly introduce yourself to…"
May 9, 2019
hale posted a discussion in Learning Partners
I would like to have a partner in upper intermediate levelis there anybody??
May 8, 2019