I know that most of you are here to learn English, the thing we have in common. And English Club is growing so fast thanks to many efforts made by all of us. You Will agree with me that we are making EC alive by our presence and activity.
For that I would start by thanking all those who are sharing their time to make it possible.
I will try to sum up some rules or let's say a piece of advice, I hope you can do with that in order to be a good MyEc member.
1) Plagiarism:
Since you are an ec member and wants strongly to remain, it is a promise you will give to your fellows to never copy any work or writing from other sites and pretend it is yours.
You may find things intersting to share with all of us. We are all glad to be informed of news but dear member, just do refer to it as belonging to its author, poet, writer and if you do not know just mention unknown. But the best way is to rewrite it in your own words it would be a great challenge for you.
Here is the link to Tara's blog it will make it more clear.
My English club is an international website where you can communicate and share views and ideas of different subjects: science, politics, religion, human believes, poetry, literature and so on.
You may come across with strangers who are here for another purpose and will ask you to give them information about you in real life, address, email, phone number and so on.
Never trust them they are here for a hidden purpose. Please read Nadira's blog you can understand much better.
3)Being disturbed:
English Club is an open site where you can learn and have friends. It has a chatroom where you can exchange talks and be in real life situation, also to keep in touch with your close friends. Sometimes people are talking in main about private subjects which anyone who comes reading will feel embarassed. Some are using their own mother tongue in public which is not allowed. This is an English site to improve English. Some use insults too, ignoring the persons who may be reading that while enjoying the chat with their family and kids.
I wish they go in private chat and speak freely to make it easier for others.
If someone disturbes you or makes indecent comment to you just report him/her by following this link.
4)Facing some problems:
If you face a technical problem in signing in or out. Some troubles on your page. Wanting to add music, photos or videos. You can find sollutions by clicking this link.
5)Missing a friend.
Some friends decide to leave EC or just have some rest, and I wish they can keep their pages saved and nothing will be deleted when they decide to go, as a memory of them being a golden member of MyEc, someday.
But it happens they leave and you are so sad and wants to show your friendship love and missing to them.
English Club provides you with a place where a word can be left espeacially for whom you miss.
The wallwisher
6)Commenting blogs:
I have to start by myself who admit it is a neglect from me too.That I should leave comments more often on blogs and especially for those which are left with no comment.
Members do their best to write blogs and share them with us but they receive any note about that even no critic.
So I guess they may feel demotivated after that.
Let's promise to leave comments on blogs which are showing comment yet, to make people feel more welcomed in here.
I hope I helped a little the newbies to be at ease in MyEc and feel free to add any suggestion which you may find useful for the sake of our beloved EC.
Your loving Ec friend Nebia.