Mandy's Posts (8)

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Long time no see

Hi friends,

Long time no see!

I haven't been here for quite a long time. I miss you all. Things change so quickly. Apri. 1st will be last day in this company which I've been staying for 2.5 years. It's quite suffering whenever I bear this in my mind. I've so many good memories here. It's my first job and it will become the happiest memory through all my life.

These days, I cannot help taking my mobile phone to record or photographing the rest of my days here. The rest times are so precious to me. I enjoy every moment with my friends and colleagues. I hope I can leave them a good last impression. 2.5 years make me much more mature. I would like to express my thanks to those who have helped me or hated me. Thank you.



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Lonely gal

I don't think it's very surprising when you read the titlle of my words, coz I'm not only the gal who find herself lonely.She wanna speak, but no one to talk with.She tries to work hard, but no one seems to appreciate.She likes laughing, but on reason to smile.She wishes to observe a simple life, but life always plays joke with her.She seeks for her charming princess, but no one to share in.... ...She's plain, fatty, persistent but kind, generous and pure.This is me----a lonely gal.I believe every one has a "lonely" side in his/her inner heart. And this's a "real" self. Without anyone to discover, just lies there secretly.
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Write on Children's Day

Today's a special day, but not special for me, special for children. It's Children's Day. Though I am not a kid any more, I'd like to share my delightful feeling with those lovely children. This morning when I turned on the radio, the voice reminded me of Children's Day. And I recalled the memory when I was still a little girl. At that time, I was a carefree and fatty girl. My relatives named me "Apple". It's really one of nice memories in my life. Though my family's not rich, I led a very happy childhood. Whenever gathered with my childhood friends, we would discuss our carefree life which had left us very deep impression and great influence upon our current dispositions as well. Poor but rich. It seems very contradictive but that's how I describe my childhood. However, it's extremely difficult for nowadays children to lead such kinda life. Their famlies are rich but their childhood is restriced. What the children nowadays have to face is the heavy burden they must bear. I'd like to show my great sympathy to those children who are under great pressure and have been robbed their childhood. I also wish those parents to have a self-reflection upon the case. If I have my own kid in the future, I would not occupy their childhood time.
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Lost happiness

I've thought much about my future and I'm worried quite a lot about it. I found I'm not mature enough when taking action in my job. Sometimes, I am too naive. These days I was bothered by them. I don't know how I should do to make others satisfied.
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A strong earthquake has struke Yushu, Qinghai province, China a week ago. When I was still lying on the bed, my fellow friends were suffering from the pain of struggling. I hated to read the sad news. My heart's burning when I was reading it. It reminds me of the earthquake in Wenchuan, two years ago which was much stronger than this one. I was still in college at that time. I remembered very clearly my roommates and I were making paper cranes to give the victims good wish and warm regards. At this moment, I don't how to reduce their pain from the evil earthquake, but my heart's always with them. I'm sitting here mourning and writing. I wish those who survived from the quake will lead a better life and those who were killed have a good rest. Best regards to them.

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Where's tomorrow

Recently I cannot help rethinking about my future life. I cannot figure out what it will be. Having engaged for about a half and a year, I feel I have wasted a lot of spare time. As a flashman in the society, I was very satisified with my current job when I first came here. And then I went to travel with friends, went shopping, KTV, and so on. It seems that my life's rich. However, when I am looking back around the past time I spent, I feel very guilty. I've wasted so much valuable time. Today, I've made a decision, that I should focus on something and rebuild my career life. I have no time to wander in this cruel society. From today on, I should focus my attention on studying those I dont' know and on enriching myself. Come on, gal.
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Woman's hard

I could not tell the feeling when someone left the place where she had worked for about 8 years. However, I've seen such person who's happened to be my supervisior. This was her first job after graduation from college. "I've never thought that I would stay here for 8 years " this was what she said to me.She left yesterday with new expectation to her new life. But she thinks it's another kinda hardness she has to endure. In fact, she did very well in her current job, but why she quited? The reason is because she needs to have a baby. She's now 31 years old and this is not a good age to be pregrant. However, in our traditional point of view, a wife who does not have a child cannot be called a good wife. So the trouble forced her to quit. Woman's hard.It's hard for me to imagine how my life would be in the feature.
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How to improve oral English?

Having studied English for about 10 years, I still found that I cannot speak very well and had difficulties to communicate with native speakers. Whenever I try to speak with those natives, I find it's difficult for me to find the exact words I wanna express my meaning. I am used to thinking with my mother tougue and translate them into English. This will take me long time to transfer. So there's always a delay when I speak in English. Actually, I think the vocabulary I own now is not bad. But I am still confused why the oral English is so hard to improve. I wanna find solutions to this porblem and I am searching for the answers. I wish I can speak very fluently one day. I am looking forward to learning from this website and finding a lot of friends to learn together and share our thoughts as well.

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