Woman's hard

I could not tell the feeling when someone left the place where she had worked for about 8 years. However, I've seen such person who's happened to be my supervisior. This was her first job after graduation from college. "I've never thought that I would stay here for 8 years " this was what she said to me.She left yesterday with new expectation to her new life. But she thinks it's another kinda hardness she has to endure. In fact, she did very well in her current job, but why she quited? The reason is because she needs to have a baby. She's now 31 years old and this is not a good age to be pregrant. However, in our traditional point of view, a wife who does not have a child cannot be called a good wife. So the trouble forced her to quit. Woman's hard.It's hard for me to imagine how my life would be in the feature.
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  • 'Woman's hard' but happy. The joy of being a mother overtakes the suffering - being a mother is great. Don't worry about being a 'real woman'. Just enjoy being what you are.
  • I know one thing that you can't have everything you want in this in life without paying anything. I think everything is depened on the way you aware of your problem. In this case, if i were her i would be very happy, because i have an opputunity to become a mom. Besides, i can apply for another job which is maybe an interesting job. If not, at least, i still think that i have chance to live, to get my own experiment. Whichever kind of problem you get, you still have to lift your head and go ahead. right? So why do you think that it is a hardness? Just think, it is challenge of life.
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