Halo Iffa, kamu demana? Silakhan, melihat blog saya, pertemuan singkat dan koment. I am glad to see you online. Where have you been? I hope you visit my page and see The Wedding. Thanks!
Saya juga cinta hujan. Kemarin ada hujan di sini. Istiri saya suka hujan juga, tetapi dia takoot guntur. Could you please, see The Wedding and give me your point of view?
Halo Iffa, kamu demana? Silakhan, melihat blog saya, pertemuan singkat dan koment. I am glad to see you online. Where have you been? I hope you visit my page and see The Wedding. Thanks!
Halo Iffa, lama tidak online, silakhan melihat blog saya, hajj 2 dan koment, makasih. I hope you see hajj 2 and give us your point of view, thanks!
Saya juga cinta hujan. Kemarin ada hujan di sini. Istiri saya suka hujan juga, tetapi dia takoot guntur. Could you please, see The Wedding and give me your point of view?
All the 7 movies? or some of them?