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January 1

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Fran commented on salah gammaa's blog post 100 blogs
"My dear Dara, I always put quality befere quantity. The problem, if it is, is that quality has a…"
May 18, 2019
Fran commented on Onee-chan's photo
"Hi,Onee-Chang, I like your photo, thanks for it. Where I live there are also rice fields, but they…"
May 18, 2019
Fran commented on Rose's blog post If the day would come
"Hi. It's beautiful, I like it a lot. Thank you for these words."
May 18, 2019
Fran commented on Onee-chan's blog post Polygamy?? OKAY!
"I don't understand polygamy, I can't with one wife, why am I going to want another? It would be…"
May 18, 2019
Fran replied to Svitlana's discussion To break the rules.
"Hi!, I think that rules, laws, customs, etc, are requires for life in society, but at the same…"
May 16, 2019
Fran replied to ap suku's discussion What God thought about Women when created?
"Hello everyone,
I believe that God is the origin of everything, but what I do not believe is to use…"
May 16, 2019
Fran replied to Glosky's discussion If a complete stranger tells you that he loves you, how would you honestly answer?
"Hi! good morning, First of all, I think we should distinguish between love and desire. Desire is…"
May 16, 2019
Fran replied to Onee-chan's discussion Eating with bare hands
"I think that eating with your hands or with cutlery is a cultural issue, even the cutlery is…"
May 16, 2019