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May 18

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Fariha Iqbal commented on _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s blog post LEGO LIFE
"eager to share my thoughts but how do I upload pictures?

can someone help?"
May 18, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s discussion Let's discuss: MY WISH LIST in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"and thanks a lot for your wishes _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_

It's up to us to bring the world back from hell…"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to ELF-Noor's discussion Share you hobby... in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"you can say that :)"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s discussion Let's play: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ETERNITY in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"oh! sorry and wow and thanks!! :)"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s discussion Let's discuss: MY WISH LIST in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"that's good :)"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s discussion Let's play: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ETERNITY in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"I was born on the 18th of May"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_'s discussion Great thoughts in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
""You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself."

"I'm not 'handsome', but I can give my…"
May 10, 2019
Fariha Iqbal replied to ELF-Noor's discussion Share you hobby... in CrEaTiVe EnGlIsH
"Well I like music a lot, both listening and singing. My favorite ones are the classical musics of…"
May 10, 2019