Great thoughts

Welcome to the "Great thoughts" storage where I will keep all quotes of the great people that made me think (and that I published here). 

To my mind we can endlessly discuss the splendid nature of humanity and the rainbow and palette of feelings, but I truly believe that there is nothing new in our behavior and life rules. If you are ready to learn everything by your own mistakes (and if you have enough health), then you'll spend your life overcoming and overcoming these mistakes. We have 2 eyes and 1 mouth and I think that we must watch and observe more than we talk :) 

Let's observe together. Maybe it helped you somehow once and It would be very interesting to know HOW! If you can, please, share!

I will appreciate if you will help me in filling this place with quotes that changed you somehow :) 

Thanks in advance!) 

I put this quote on my page because I would like many people to open their eyes and see all sides of the situation\person\problem, etc. being closed in our own experience, makes us mentally and sometimes physically handicapped. 

Be with your eyes and mind wide opened! ) 

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  • 'Despite the reason and the common sense, they are stubborn, so THEY ARE UNJUST!

  • You know something Honey Bee, about the great thoughts. Some people find it difficult to listen or understand what is said to them. Despite the reason and the common sense, they are just stubborn. They start to look at the matter from a narrow angle. Especially if what is said is against their interest or benefits.

  • AwP%2bwdkf0cA&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0

  • "You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself."

    "I'm not 'handsome', but I can give my 'hand' to 'some' one who needs help. Beauty is in heart, not in face.'

    "In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart."

    "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. "
    • Remember, when you can't sleep at night, it's because you are awake in someone else's dream.....

    • So many thoughts and quotes ...We can start printing the encyclopedia of wisdom :) 

    • « The events you witness or take part in every day, as well as the people you meet, inspire certain thoughts and feelings in you. Be aware that, depending on their nature and the power you have invested in them, these thoughts and feelings follow a specific path in space and then return to their place of origin, that is, to you. If they are fair, kind and generous, blessings will come back to you, but if they are contaminated by poison from your head or your heart, do not be surprised if you feel poisoned. That is called the backlash, and it is a law that acts for good and bad.
      Of course, even if you are a disciple of Initiatic Science, you will not achieve mastery over your thoughts and feelings overnight, but it is essential that you become increasingly aware of the importance of this matter. After a while, not only will you be master of your psychic life, but when harmful influences from outside try to attack you, you will be able to repel them. »

      Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
    • Maybe the grass is greener on the other side depends who was standing in it. Sometimes you have to go over there and look. 

      Lynne Rae Perkins

    • « Do you know how to wait – yes, wait in such a way that you derive some benefit from the few moments immediately preceding a happy event? You are waiting for a letter, for example, from a relative or friend. At last it arrives – you are overjoyed! But as you are impatient, you race to open it, and now your joy has gone. Because what does it contain? Often, nothing extraordinary. But the waiting was extraordinary. Yes, if you wait for a bit, imagining what might be in the letter, you savour unique moments that you can prolong for as long as you want. But no, people are weak, they get tempted, they don’t know how to resist, and they destroy their joy.
      The letter here is only one example among many to help you understand that you have the power to keep the joy you feel alive. Suppose you have a project that is dear to you: while you are working to bring it to fruition, you can again enjoy the anticipation you experience in your mind, your heart and your soul. Once plans do come to fruition, we are often disappointed, because we were expecting much more from them. »

      Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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