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  • Hello Coool Girl, well if you remember the movie, when the old woman finish to tell her story the little submarine come back to the ship.
    Thank you for your comment.
    See you.
  • Hi CoOoL GirL. how are you?
    thank you so much in your comment at my blog
    keep learning English.
    have a nice day :)
  • Hi, thank you for greeting me
    I would like to improve my English skill
    in reading , writing, listening and speaking
  • hi i am nadira from srilanka... welcome to english club
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October 20

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Co0oL GirL commented on Co0oL GirL's blog post What is the last movie you have seen? tell me about it.
"wow cool I have seen Alice in the wonderland it was pretty good and I enjoyed it

this show"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Gabriel Gómez's blog post Could anyone tell me why they stop searching the diamond on the Titanic movie?.
"How do you know they give up looking for the diamond it just movie to tell you the old women…"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Sharifa Bahri (SkoonAlBahr)'s blog post This Is My Problem, So What Can I Do..?!
"vocabulary is my problem too but don't learn the word by list of words try to learnt as a contest…"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Susu Abu Samra's blog post Peace Quotes .
"you are welcome"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Sara's blog post Friendship...
"friendship like the relation between hand and eyes when hand hort the eyes cry and when the eyes…"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Mick's blog post I'm getting
"Hi Michele
I pleased to see you in our club I hope you enjoy and have fun"
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Susu Abu Samra's blog post Peace Quotes .
"Hello I'm glad to read your quotes and I think that peace must be, the supreme law of life."
May 9, 2019
Co0oL GirL commented on Rosenmaiden's blog post Russian Fairy Tales
"I like it think you"
May 9, 2019