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  • PS- I agree a 100% that the ones with whom we communicate the most, has the most influence on us ....Thus, as you quoted on your wall : "The only way to become smarter is to play with the smarter... "
  • Hi dear Artem ....

    You  have chosen nice quotations ...I enjoyed passing by your page and blogs ...

    Have a nice time


  • Thanks, :)

    I hope you're doing well...

  • Hello Artem, how are you? hope everything okay!
    this month I invite you to join with me. please Check out Photo Challenge#3 : Thumbs up for MyEC,
    awaiting your participation, thanks!

  • Hello Artem,
    I hope it is a good day in St Petersburg for you. I am very pleased to be your friend.

  • Hello Artem Prygin,
    this month I create a new photo challenge, and hope you join me. please Check out Photo Challenge#2 : Your smile,, awaiting your participation, thanks!

  • Dear Artem,
    How are you? I hope that you will be enjoying best of your health.
    In my opinion your age is 35 to 40 years and perhaps you have seen both periods of you country's history(Communism period and post-communism period).Would you please like to share with me that what changes have taken place in your country especially in field of education and curriculum?
    Have a nice day

    With best wishes for your happy weekend!
    Amjad Ali
  • Dear Artem,
    Thank you very much for praising my photo.It is so nice of you.You are true this place is so beautiful that it looks unreal.But it is real. I hope that you would have seen its other pictures too.
    Thanks again for your kind comments.

  • Dear Artem,
    Thank you very much for sharing such a marvelous masterpiece of architect.It is really majestic .
    With regards
    Amjad Ali
    This domain may be for sale!
  • Dear Artem,
    Thank you very much for your quick response. You are welcome on this site. It is a great place for learning English as well as learning about the people,places, societies,cultures, and much much more.

This reply was deleted.

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Artem Prygin commented on Artem Prygin's video
"I entirely agree with you. In fact, the cruelty between humans doesn't touch me so much than if an…"
Jun 24, 2019
Artem Prygin posted videos
May 10, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Artem Prygin's blog post Trip to the future! It's 2554 in Thailand
"Tara, good evening!
I think It wouldn't be a problem for you to make your wish come true :) "
May 9, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Artem Prygin's blog post Trip to the future! It's 2554 in Thailand
"Thank you. It is much more fascinating and wonderful than seems to be  ;)"
May 9, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Zulkifli Alinazar's blog post IS SHE SEEKING ANOTHER WORLD TO SHINE?
"Hi! There're more than 100000000000 stars in the sky ))
don't be afraid. The Sun will be shining…"
May 9, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Tara Benwell's blog post Wordless Wednesday #19
"It's time to stop playing and begin washing clothes
May 9, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Artem Prygin's photo
"Yeah, it's a male version for a faraway Russian village, that is about hundreds km from…"
May 9, 2019
Artem Prygin commented on Robbie's blog post Please vote for Puerto Princesa Underground River (Philippines)
"It's beutiful, very beutiful. Looks like an episode from fairytale. I'd like to vote for it, but…"
May 9, 2019