pineapple pizza
A couple weeks ago I decided to make homemade pizza I dont like store bought pizza neither pre made frozen pizza so I planned to do my own version of pizza I looked up on the Internet for pizza crust recipe or a pizza dough I was lucky to finde a very good one recipe I also wanted to have some delicious toping so I made a pizza sauce , so after I finished rolling the dough to a thin base I had decided to top my pizza with a pineapple and some mozzarella cheese and it was very good decision the…
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interesting group .. pleased to be here..
The most traditional of all these recipies is Bean soup.
The ingredients are dry beans,onion, tomato sauce,celery,salt and pepper and olive oil.We put the dry beans into water a whole night and in the morning we boil them until they are soft.We add onion chopped ,small pieces of cellery,tomatoe sauce, salt and pepper. At the end we add some olive oil.
Here are some pictures of traditional Greek cuisine.

I will send you some healthy Greek recipies.
Can somebody tell me how to make dough for Italian pizza? I mean recipe. I will be very thankful. Now, when I make pizza, I buy ready made dough, but I don't like it at all.
are you kidding!! ofcourse not. you are one in a million..lucky us we have u here Tanya
Hi, friends! I was glad to find this group a few days ago. Hope, you don't mind my joining it. I like cooking very much, I like to try or invent new dishes and I will be happy to share my recipies with you. Unfortunately, my camera is out of order now. May I take part in your discussions without pictures for some time?
Hi Allahverdiyeva ? where do u come from ? this kind of bread looks delicious it's very common in my country_ Jordan.