I Introduce A Website It Is Awesome And Fantastic Website To Develop Your English Ability.IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE WEBSITE .Which Is Consist English Grammar Pictures, English Grammar Videos, English Quotes, The Secret To Success In English Language, Ti
Although the best way to learn the correct use of prepositions is by reading and practicing more exercises ,but there are certain rules which are worth knowing.
I think we should revise these rules from time to time to refresh our memories for the s
The game is very simple. One person starts with a word, and the next person posts a word that relates to it. Must be something logical? No. Just follow each other and w
The past perfect tense is best understood if it is called the " before" tense.When we wish to indicate that an event happened before another event in the past, we use the past perfect, it means to order the events in the past.
English language has several forms for expressing ideas about the future.I will talk here about the simple future and the difference between using will and going to .
The simple past tense and the past continuous tense are so often confused ,so I think it's a good idea to revise them together and see how they differ.
In the simple past tense a specific time is used to show when an action began and finished but in t
I will post some of the important tips about the tenses of the verbs in simple and clear way. At the end of every tense ,you can try yourself to answer here some exercises related to every tense...
The tenses of the past "simple- continuous- perfect.."are so often confused, that it's a good idea to revise the simple past tense first, then in the next lessons I will connect the simple past with the other tenses but remember: if the past activity
Tense : indicates sense rather than time .The tense we use depends on the sense we wish to give our sentence . For example , the Present Simple can be used to indicate the future:
This tense gives difficulty because students look upon it as a past rather than a presenttense.It's a present tense describes events which happened in the past but are closelyconnected with the present.