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You know, I like this word very much because it functions as a verb and as an adjective, besides it can mean so many meanings.Here you are some: to save, to waste, to free, have something extra, something you do not need any more, prevent someone fro

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What about you?

ContributeThe words I can get are:con, tribute, tribe, but, on, in, tube, rub, rob, bore, cute, cut, bite, nice, ice, crib,Can you find more?Vocabulary:con: play tricks on people in order to make them give you their money.Tribe: a group of people liv

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How Do You Imagine an Alien?

What attracts my attention whenever I watch a science fiction film that is referring to Aliens invading our planet, or Visitors from other planets is that man's imagination in perceiving or imagining these Aliens cannot go beyond what our God has cre

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There are many ways for the "way"

The word way can be manipulated or used in many different ways:By the way: By the way, Have you seen The learning English Video Project, mainly Stories From Morocco?In a way: In a way, it is a very useful video.In this way: Try to use dictionary whil

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