I myself couldn't think one at the moment, given that I'm a plant lover. It would be difficult to choose one for the moment. But if you have thought of one, be sure to comment down below...
Hi there!Ā Let me share with you one of my hobbies, it'sĀ propagating succulents... I've been doing this since I moved into my very first own apartment and I still enjoy doing it. :)Ā
Every time my plants look like this I take them out and remove the d
How have been doing lately? Do you have lots of worms in your garden? The easy way to know that without any further digging is when you see its castings on the top of your garden soil. The more worms, the better! They make
Have you been to Dave's Garden? Well, it's in virtual world too but you could learn something especially about gardening, plants as well as tips in managing your garden. It's one of the best sites to know more about plants and probably most gardeners