Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “S” and has 5 letters long.• If you want to keep your money away from thief, s _ _ _ _ them in your bank account.• She has many valuable stuff. If I were her, I’d s _ _ _ _ them in a safe place.• Once Elaf wanted to put a makeup on her face, she thought that the first step should be finding out where her mother s _ _ _ _ s her makeup stuff.Can you guess the word of the day?The word of the day means “store something valuable in a secret place in order to keep it safe.”

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  • You are soooooo late Dreamy !! Be on time to win the compitition ;)

    Dreamer Man said:
    as usual I come late :(
  • as usual I come late :(
  • The correct answer is "stash" answered by Ensie. Conguratulations Ensie you got a score.
    Thanks for others for your participations. Hope you got a score soon.
  • I think that's store
  • I really think that the word is SAVE but it consists of 4 letters only........What could be more appropriate answer than this?......ohh I hope I am right......
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