Hi guys! How are you doing? I’m doing great but busy.
I am afraid to tell you that this is the last month of our contest. I can’t handle it anymore for my limited time on internet. But I really don’t want the activities of this group stops. So, do hav
Hello my lovely friends. How are you? First of all, I apologize for all of you that I couldn't announce the winner of April earlier nor the words of May. I am really sorry, but it was exams.
Now, I would like to introduce our winner of April word's ch
Hello my friends with a new strategy for the coming month, April. The strategy, as I created, is similar to the previous one, but in a new way. We will have unlimited winners for each day since we had so many participators in March, but this doesn’t
I felt it would be really good if all the words posted in this blog are at one place. It will be easy for all of us to learn. So I collected the questions and answers of each day posted in this group into an excel sheet and attached herewith.
Hello myEC’s friends. How are you? We are here for the same purpose; learning English. And there are many ways to learn. Some of us use facebook and follow some pages and learn. So I created a page for our group “New Words Daily” For who likes and us