spear “spears, spearing, speared”1. (N-COUNT) A spear is a weapon consisting of a long pole with a sharp metal point attached to the end.2. (VERB) If you spear something, you push or throw a pointed object into it.rifle “rifles, rifling, rifled”1. (N-COUNT) A rifle is a gun with a long barrel.2. (VERB) If you rifle through things or rifle them, you make a quick search among them in order to find something or steal something.sword “swords”(N-COUNT) A sword is a weapon with a handle and a long sharp blade.

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  • - some of tribe in Indonesia usually hunting fish in forest with spear.
    - Please put the rifle on the right place and away from KIds
    - Harakiri is deliberate suicide with stabbed self using sword in Japan.
  • she speared my heart
    the kids rifled all his school bag and didnt find his homework
    the sword nowdays is not used often
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