What a...

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All of the three videos were sent to me by my friend Babikir. Where are the bones here?

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  • Happy New Year Vincent! Thanks for pressing the like button!

  • I have been wondering whether she has bones at all in her body. Thanks again Mr. Josef for your help. I will try to download another application and I hope it works this time. I have many videos here. I need to share it with My EC.

  • Happy New year to Mr. Josef Essberger and his family. Thanks for your help and guidance. So far you have managed to lead us through this world of zigzag and differences. You are still doing it adroitly. Thanks for your comment on that video Once more, Happy New Year!

  • But you do know Flash is history, right?

  • And WOW. Way better than Michael Jackson lol

  • OK, I'm on Mac and Safari. When I "allow" Flash I can see it.

  • Why can't I see this video?

  • spasibo Winnie The Pooh! Thanks for your nice comment.  

  • a hard working girl

  • Teskkur ederim Nefes! Thanks for pressing the like button. 

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