What's he grousing about?

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Video Monday! Time to begin our week! What's he grousing about? What's he grousing about? What's he grousing about? "What's he grousing about?" is asking abo...

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  • Glad to hear that you both had nothing to grouse about! I feel the same---nothing to grouse about!

  • I always say, Connie, it ain't over till it's over! Yes, you do have a chance to make a lot of things happen!

  • Everything is absolutely fine today, Teacher Katy! I have nothing to grouse about. Thanks for asking. :)

  • You are very welcome! Are you grouse free today?

  • Thank you for another useful vocabulary lesson, Teacher Katie!

  • Out loud; in your head; under your breath! Practice makes progress.

    “What’s he grousing about?” is asking about complaining. You want to know why someone is complaining. This can be said light heartedly or angrily or with any feeling that you would like to give it! I would not say it at the workplace unless you are with trusted people!

    What is he grousing about?

    What is he grousing about?

    What is he grousing about?

    Have a good one!

    Sincerely, Katie katieadler-vo.com




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