weeping tourists when prayer is read

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  • Thanks for sharing such a great video.
  • i liked it alot
  • OMG! I have goosebumps watching this.
    Peace be with you. Thanks for sharing this to us.
    This video is great!
  • what about in indonisia?? wahyuni?? I think people go to mosque also isnt it?
  • It's wonderful, this azan touched her heart
    thanks for sharing Erkan, may Allah bless you!

  • wow she cried when she heard azan !!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesnt know what it mean and dont understand what is he say wowwwww subhanallah
    Alhamdulilah that we born muslim some people dont feel how we are blessed , thnks for sharing brother may Allah bless you
  • Yes, the sound goes deeply in the heart when you hear it.
    As every thing in this world the sound declares that Allah in the Geatest and none worth worshiping but Allah.
  • hi anele,
    I do not know what there is. just saw the video. drew my attention.
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