We Are One l 2014 FIFA World Cup Song

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Learn all about the 2014 FIFA World Cup on EnglishClub.Lyrics here: World Cup FeverDoes the World Cup help unite the world? Share your country's flag in the comments below!PS - Which do you prefer, this year's song or the song from the last World Cup?

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  • The soccer team of China is so disappointing. I wish we had a soccer team like Brazil's, Spain's or Germany's or Italy's or Argentina's or... or even Korea's, Iran's, Japan's - words fail me here.

  • You'll see this flag during the Olympic Games - can even be raised more than 30 times during an Olympics, but you won't see it during the World Cup. There're so many soccer (football) fans in China, though.

  • 0023ae9bc7990f596ec602.gif

  • The World Cup is only 2 days away, and I'm ready for it. I know I'll have to sit up for a match - the time lag.

    By the way, I wonder why the Americans aren't so good at soccer - usually, most of the popular sports are dominated by them.

  • China didn't qualify for the Cup either. I'll watch the Cup though. In fact, I can't wait to watch it.

  • Even though Canada did not qualify for the World Cup, many Canadians will be watching! Soccer (football) is one of the most popular sports for kids in Canada. I love watching my son play soccer. He plays indoor and outdoor soccer. I guess I'll ask him which team we should cheer for. Go team! 


    Who will you be cheering for?

  • The new song is pretty good, but the 2010 song was very catchy. I loved it! I think "Wavin' Flag" should be the World Cup theme song every year. I love the drums at the beginning. 

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