Which world do I want to leave for my descendants?

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I talked about climate change, its effects, and its probable solutions.

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  • Nice presentation! You did a good job, Fake!
    I just hated to see nuclear power plants under the heading 'Looking for green energy' ...  and I'm also much more radical on the topic in general. 'Cause I don't think this is 'our world'... we are just guests on this planet.


    • Nuclear energy is carbon-free, No greenhouse gas emission, therefore doesnt affect climate change. Moreover very efficient. but....

      While radiation might sound scary, we are constantly exposed to small amounts of radioactivity from cosmic rays or radon in the air we breathe. In small quantities, radiation isn't harmful—but the radioactive waste from nuclear energy production is incredibly dangerous.

      However, there are secure ways to dispose of radioactive waste.

      Other than these, concern about natural disasters or human mistakes, for example, Chernobyl Disaster, or Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster by the tsunami. 

      Vielen Dank.




    • Really, I feel like sarcasm will get the better of me when I try to answer this statement. So, I better keep my mouth shut. :-/

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